Page 43 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 43

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   4 3

        134. Arbi Yaya                                         Next litter. Born February 23, 1911. Father
        Dog. Owner: G. Vanaise.                                Kalbi, mother Oktaïa. Breeder: G.C.E.
                                                               Camman. 137-141.

                                                               137. Arbi Tafoe

                                                               Owner: J.F. Westerberg.
                                                               July 1921 put down in the animal shelter in
                                                               the Hague, although in complete health.
                                                               138. Arbi Zeïne Abara

                                                               (the beautiful Anbara), (unclear if it was a
                                                               dog or a bitch).
                                                               Owner: J. Wels.
                                                               May 3, 1911, died.

                                                               139. Arbi Fissa
                                                               (fast) dog. Owner: J.B.J. Timmermans.
                                                               Was mated to Arbi Agraa.

                                                               May 10, 1912: another owner: Squire J.L.E.M.
                                                               van Sasse van Ijsselt.
                          Arbi Geera
                                                               April 7, 1913: another owner: V. Harperink.

        135. Arbi Geera                                        140. Arbi Hamama

        (the chosen one).                                      (pigeon) Bitch.
        Bitch. Owner: G.J. Nijhof.                             Owner: Wrede.
        March 19, 1911, died after long seizures.              November 28, 1911, died.
                                                               Arbi Hamuma

        136. Arbi Denia                                        (on the same page, no separate number),

        (the one that prospers)                                Bitch. Sand with mask.
        Bitch. Owner: Th. Wrede, Germany.                      Exported to Germany.
        Died in 1911.                                          141. Arbi Zoëina
                                                               Bitch. Owner: G.C.E. Camman.
                                                               October 2, 1911, died of distemper.
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