Page 6 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 6
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 0 6
1. Muska
Muska was born in April 1897 in Oeargla,
Southern Algeria. Bred by Marabout Sidi
Mohammed Belkassem. Her father was
Mabroek and her mother Messaoëda. She
died in January 1907.
On April 15, 1898, she was mated to Sidi
Sjeig I (brindle). The litter was born in
Gardaia, June 17, 1898, 9 puppies.
There is a small picture in the stud book of
this place Ghardaia.
"The most infertile region on earth, it has
an oasis, in the middle of the Wilderness,
made by human hands."
This text is under that picture.
Muska, her son Haoeësj and her daughter
Oereїda were imported into the
Netherlands November 2, 1898, by
Auguste Le Gras, kennel Beit es Sleg.