Page 79 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 79

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   7 9

                      December 1930                                       Caїd du Simoun


          262. Caïd du Simoun
          Dog, sand with mask.
          Born May 24, 1928, in Paris. French studbook: N 39886.

          Breeder: Madame Simeon and H. Caffin Delegrange (this is differently noted than from
          the 2 du Simoun dogs earlier, 229 and 230, don’t know what is right).
          Imported into the Netherlands: November 4, 1930.
          Owner: G.C.E. Camman, the dog lives with H. Peetoom.

          Father: Kebir du Peroy.
          Mother: Zerga du Simoun.

          November 16, 1930, was mated to Ch. Kincsem (250).
          January 17, 1931, Kincsem gave birth to a litter of 0-4 pups (the males were put down).

          June 23/24, 1931 was mated to Ch. Kincsem.

          July 29, 1931, was mated to Zoëdsja (254) (it is not mentioned that the mating was not
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