Page 76 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 76
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 7 6
Litter of Lady-Zoëdsja with Melik van de Lindenhof. May 28, 1930. 256-261.
Hesan June 1931, age 13 months.
June 1931, Hesan standing, his mother Lady lying on the ground.
256. Hesan
Dog, sand with mask.
Breeder: J. van Dijk (I think this is wrong, must be: Mrs. H. van Dijk – Hastings. Also, when
I look at the list of owners, in the back of the book, this dog 256 is listed with Mrs. H. van
Dijk – Hastings.)
Owner: J. van Dijk (idem).