Page 38 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 38

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                             38

Although the Sloughi is known to have          He donated the Nubia Memorial Cup which
participated in Sighthound sports as early     he presented as follows:
as 1928 in France, the breed could not
participate in any sighthound sports in the    "The Nubia Memorial Cup is a perpetual
USA prior to 1994. That year, a                trophy presented annually by the Sloughi
demonstration of oval racing took place in     Fanciers Association of America to the
Colorado by Amir, Aswad, A’Ssissa              Sloughi dog or bitch which has most shown
Shi’Rayan and Chamisa Schuru-esch-             itself to excel in the field during a given
Schams. President of NOTRA (National           year.  This determination is made by a tally
Oval Track Racing Association) at the time,    of all points earned in any combination of
Jack William Lewis of Reata Whippets, was      sanctioned field events." 
so taken with the Sloughis that he
managed to get the breed recognized for        This trophy was donated in memory of
oval racing by December of 1994. In            Jack’s lovely red brindle Sloughia, Jaaram
Summer of 1995, inspired as he wrote it by     Nubia.  
the Sloughi, Jack William Lewis created the
LGRA (Large Gazehound Racing                   "Nubia was one of a litter of twelve, sired
Association) for straight racing, with the     by the handsome Dutch-bred, Farhan of
Sloughi a foundation breed. At the time,       Mumtaz-i-Javanadmi out of the French-
there was straight racing only for             bred bitch, Tounsia Kahloul de la Treille.
Whippets in the USA. With the creation of       Nubia became somewhat of a ‘poster girl’
the LGRA all other Sighthound breeds           for the breed when she became the first
could compete in straight racing. In 1996      Sloughi to participate in the premiere Rare
the American Sighthound Field Association      Breed Exhibition of the Kennel Club of
started its rare breeds project, including     Beverly Hills in 1987.  She was of course
the Sloughi, to enable other Sighthound        nearly always the sole exhibit for the breed
breeds to course the lure in its “provisional  in matches and shows in those early days,
stake”. Sloughi owners supported the           but did gather her share of Group wins at
project, and it took five years and Sloughis   the limited number of events available to
participating at many events across the        her.   But the show ring was not Nubia’s
country for ASFA to recognize the breed        passion.  Her delight was out in the open
officially. As a result, the American Kennel   desert of the Mojave, hunting with her
Club accepted the Sloughi for AKC              packmates.  She loved nothing more than
coursing as well.                              to go for an early morning expedition with
                                               some of her buddies, working the desert in
When these Sloughi pioneers started            her effortless, light-footed trot, back and
chasing the lure, Jack McGuffin, founder       forth out in front of her master, until she
member of SFAA, came up with a                 might have her desires met by kicking up a
wonderful idea to recognize the best           strong desert jack to chase."
Sloughi athletes. 
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