Page 33 - Sloughi Review - Issue 1
P. 33

THE SLOUGHI REVIEW                                                                            33

12 weeks old © Lisa Smith                     With Whippet wingman © Lisa Smith


                           BY LISA SMITH - UK

Sahsheer Sandara is FCI International,        He fitted in wonderfully with the
Dutch, Belgian and Luxemburg champion.        3 Whippets (who are his wingmen) and the
                                              routine of our home life of husband and 3
I am honoured to be asked to write a few      teenagers. So there was the usual
words about Gus (also known as ‘the Big       socialisation & Ringcraft Training classes,
Fella’). Gus came into my life in June 2014,  leading up to our first show at 6 months
with a very memorable first meeting! My       and 1 week old where he was very well
sister Tina and I went to pick him up and     behaved taking in the noise, crowds and
not knowing how ‘sensitive’ Sloughis can      judge going over him very well & winning
be, it was love at first sight and I went to  Best Puppy Dog. I had joined the Sloughi
kiss him on the head (hey, we all kiss        Club UK and met all the other Sloughi
puppies on head don’t we, to breathe in       owners both from this litter and others
that puppy smell), well Gus promptly bit      who all welcomed me with open arms.
me on the nose drawing blood, I think
Carol was terrified we wouldn’t want him
any more. So first lesson learnt on how to
approach (or not) a Sloughi.

This start made me realise I had a lot to     Best Puppy in Breed, Crufts 2015 © Nick Carter
learn about this wonderful primitive breed.
Up until then, I had only been involved
with Whippets who are rather more
‘straightforward’ dogs to own and show
and here started our journey.
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