Page 12 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 12

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   1  2

                                                     © Sandra Whyte


                               "ESME" - TOP PUPPY, UNITED KINGDOM, 2018
                                                   BY KATH CLARK, UK
        About 3 years ago I started mulling over              The first girl I liked turned out to be

        the idea of importing a Sloughi puppy into            unsuitable for breeding. I then fell for a
        the UK. Winkle, (Falconcrag Daiouni of                Schuru-esch-Schams Sloughia and there
        Thiefside), my only Sloughi at the time was           were plans for a litter from her. I
        approaching 7 years old, and as anyone can            contacted the owner and reserved a female
        tell you, was not the most outgoing show              pup but unfortunately she didn't take.
        girl! In fact, she hated it. I also had

        concerns about the future of the breed in             Back to square one! I decided to call in the
        the UK. With so few quality breeding                  big guns in the shape of Steph Marston-
        bitches, coupled with the lack of any                 Pollock of the Falconcrag Whippets and
        known plans for future litters, I was                 Sloughis. Within a very short time she
        worried that the breed was heading for a              came back to me with the planned litter by
        downward spiral. The Sloughi has never                Marcus and Gregor Arndt of the Sabiih al
        taken off in the UK the way other breeds              Sahra kennel.

        have and it looks unlikely that we will ever
        come off the Rare Breeds register.                    The Sire was to be Multi Champion
                                                              Ghazoot Chazzin and the dam Multi
        So, with the help of Facebook I started to            Champion Djamila Labibah Sabiih al Sahra.
        have a look at Sloughias in Europe.                   The bitch is similar in type to Winkle and I
        Fortunately, I wasn't in a hurry as it wasn't         liked the power of the dog. Couple this

        straight forward!                                     with the fact they are both lure coursing or
                                                              racing champions told me they were Fit for
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