Page 45 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 45
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 5
Some of the Sloughis supported by ASNAS, 2010 © Mangelsdorf
In June of 2012, ASNAS has provided the In February of 2015, ASNAS provided 45
Sloughis of Bensekrane with 50 vaccines puppy booster vaccines, 30 rabies
against rabies, 17 against canine diseases, vaccines, 10 hepatitis vaccines, products
Sebacil (external parasites) and Evomec for external and internal parasites.
(Wormer). The following year in March, Following this last donation, contact
ASNAS provides for 28 vaccines against ceased for a while.
canine diseases, 62 vaccines against rabies
and medication against parasites. In March
of 2014, ASNAS provides for 20 vaccines
against canine diseases, 50 against rabies
and medication against internal parasites.