Page 41 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 41
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 1
In August of 2011, ASNAS provided more In October of 2015, ASNAS provided for
worming treatments and antibiotics to the another batch of 100 vaccines against
Sloughis of the region. In Fall and early rabies and 100 against canine diseases, and
2012, a substantial private donation other veterinary products, followed in 2016
provided the Sloughis of that region with by Frontline external parasite control, and
84 doses of PetArmor (generic Frontline) in 2018 by another 50 vaccines, wormers
for male, young male and female Sloughis. and antibiotics, and 60 doses of Petarmor
The following year, ASNAS provided for 60 (30 for males, 30 for females) while a
vaccines against canine diseases, 60 current order for more Petarmor is being
vaccines against rabies, and pain killers for prepared.
the dogs.
Through ASNAS, the Sloughis of the Gharb
Due to the accident in 2014 that El Kaouter Cherarda Beni Hsen region have received a
Tachihante suffered from, ASNAS waited total of 460 vaccines against rabies and
for his recovery to resume the support of canine diseases, many wormers, antibiotics
this project. as well as flea/lice/tick control through
Frontline then and Petarmor products
2018 © Tachihante
2018 © Tachihante