Page 37 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 37
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 7
For example, external parasite control As its purpose states, ASNAS is a not-for-
prevents the transmission of meningitis profit group which organizes fundraisers
through ticks - I saw such a Sloughi that to buy veterinary products. The ASNAS
had survived but had lingering neurological thus hopes to contribute to the very
problems in the form of constant tremors. preservation of the Sloughis in North
Fleas are also a serious problem in hot Africa. The countries currently covered are
weather. Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. ASNAS
typically works with local pharmacies from
which the products are picked up.
I remember a Sloughi literally going crazy The ASNAS has so far organized
while his body was riddled with fleas; he fundraisers with auctions every 2 years in
could not stand still. He calmed down as 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. There was no
soon as he was treated with Frontline; all auction needed in 2018 thanks to very
the fleas streamed out of his body and fell generous donations of the Sloughi Fanciers
dead on the floor. Roundworm infestations Association of America, and the Sloughi
are really bad in puppies as well. Club in the United Kingdom.