Page 36 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 36
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 6
El Wafae Sloughis who placed very well among some 300 Sloughis at the Moussem in Marrakech, 2008
Left Abbes # 3 males, right BOB Roqui © de Caprona
The first project associated with ASNAS Why raise funds for veterinary products?
was the lovely auction organized by the
SFAA in September of 2008 for its Partner Because North African Sloughis have
Club El Wafae in Morocco. It was also the sometimes difficult access to vaccines and
SFAA's special event to celebrate its 20th other veterinary products that are
anniversary. Several members of SFAA considered common place in the Western
donated their time, their very interesting World.
and beautiful items for the auction and
many fanciers worldwide bid generously
upon them. Friends of Sloughi owners
contributed also with very generous
monetary donations in addition to the
auction. This fundraiser was a resounding
success raising very substantial funds.
To separate the accounts of SFAA from the
funds for El Wafae, the Association for the
Support of North African Sloughis (ASNAS)
was created September 15 of 2008. The
name itself was my idea and was registered Sloughi of Khenichet 2008 © de Caprona
in the state of Iowa, USA. The funds that Vaccinations against rabies and canine
were raised by this 20th anniversary SFAA diseases are a must to prevent many deaths
auction contributed entirely to assist with from preventable diseases - up to 70%
the health and preservation of the Sloughis deaths are due to Parvovirus and
of the region of Gharb Cherarda Beni Hsen Distemper- I was told by Abdelmouhamene
with wormers, tick and flea treatments, Fidjel in Algeria, and to protect dogs and
collars and leashes, and other needed owners against rabies.