Page 33 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 33

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  3

                       THE SLOUGHI, A FIRST FOR THE FCI!
                                      BY DR. M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA

        According to the Fédération Cynologique               first Sighthound breed recognized within
        Internationale's website, we learn the                the FCI system on November 8, 1934.
                                                              Twenty-one years later, the twelve other

        "The Fédération Cynologique Internationale            Sighthound breeds in Group 10 started to
        was created on May 22nd, 1911 with the aim            get recognized by the FCI. They were
        to promote and protect Cynology and                   added in the following order:
        purebred dogs by any means it considers

        necessary.                                            Greyhound: April 23, 1955
                                                              Irish Wolfhound: April 26, 1955
        The founding nations of the FCI are as                Whippet: April 27, 1955
        follows:                                              Deerhound: April 29, 1955

        • Germany (Kartell für das Deutsche                   Borzoi: January 13, 1956
        Hundewesen and Die Delegierten-                       Italian Greyhound: October 22, 1956
        Commission)                                           Afghan Hound: December 12, 1961
        • Austria (Osterreichischer                           Magyar Agar: March 29, 1963
                                                              Saluki: April 8, 1966
        Kynologenverband)                                     Galgo español: August 10, 1971
        • Belgium (Société Royale Saint-Hubert)               Azawakh: June 6, 1980
        • France (Société Centrale Canine de                  Chart Polski: March 1, 2001

        • Netherlands (Raad van Beheer op                     Furthermore, a thorough comparison with
        Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland)                      the remaining 343 breeds recognized by
        The Fédération disappeared due to the first           the FCI revealed the awesome fact that the
        World War and in 1921, the Société Centrale           Sloughi was also the FIRST BREED OF DOG

        Canine de France and the Société Royale               ever officially recognized by the FCI.
        Saint-Hubert re-created it.                           It was followed 2 years later, in 1936, by
        The new articles of association were                  the American Staffordshire Terrier. World
        adopted on April 10th, 1921 and on March              War II then prevented new recognitions,

        5th, 1968, the FCI got the legal personality by       and it was not until 1945 that another
        decree."                                              American breed, the Black and Tan
                                                              Coonhound, was officially recognized.
        Looking through the thirteen Sighthound               Further breed recognitions resumed 9
        breeds recognized by the FCI, I was                   years later in 1954, then in 1955, and

        surprised to find that the Sloughi was the            following years.
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