Page 30 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 30

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  0

        But on my “Nooshman” I could count on –               Arriving at the paddock, the little area in
        he won confidently both preliminary                   front of the start boxes, the boxes were
        rounds. In the 2nd race he even broke his             assigned to each finalist except for
        own track record from a race on that track            Ganoosh, because as a wide runner he
        in May of 2018, even though as a wide                 always gets the box no. 6. The commands

        runner he has to run many more meters.                from the start staff were given: set the
                                                              muzzles! Collars and leashes off!! Set in the
        And then, finally the big final – for every           dogs and close the doors! The machine
        breed participating this day the award                with the lure was arriving, the front grid
        ceremony was held directly after the final            opened and our Sloughis shot out of the
        run. Now the 6 fastest out of the                     boxes.

        preliminary rounds were fighting for the
        victory. This waiting was so nerve                    Everything the same as always….but so
        wracking but finally the call for Sloughis            very different. After all this time it was a
        came.                                                 special race – the title FCI World Racing
                                                              Champion 2018. Would Ganoosh achieve
        With our Sloughis, we had to enter the                the marvelousness again? He ran as usual –
        race track in sequence of how they had                perfect fast start, in the 1st half turn

        been set (in the colors of the racing                 coming in close to the rail, at the back-
        blankets Red, Blue, White, Black, Yellow              straight drifting at the very outside again
        and Stripes) to present them to the                   to come close to the rail again in the 3rd
        audience.                                             half turn and then the final on the home

                           NooshNoosh leading the pack in the finals at the FCI World Racing Championship in
                                           Awans, Belgium, 2018.  © Marc Goetstouwers
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