Page 31 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 31

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  1

        Much later on the TV Video, I saw how the             And one more point – Belgium as this
        other Sloughis were shifting positions                year’s venue, really, was centrally located.
        again and again. And then…my biggest                  There are numerous Sloughis with a racing
        dream came true!!!!! Ganoosh became                   license, thus it was very disappointing that
        World Racing Champion for the 2nd time.               only 10 Sloughis started for a racing event,

                                                              which only takes place every two years. As
        I am still over the moon, over Mars, Venus,           a result, the Sloughis participating in
        I don’t know where and sometimes I still              Awans this year had to run mixed (bitches
        can’t believe it.                                     and dogs together), again just like in 2016
                                                              and 2017.
        The German national anthem had just

        ended when I was informed that I had to               For the first time, I signed up Ganoosh for
        follow two staff people because Ganoosh               the World Champion Revanche Race which
        has been selected for a doping control. It            always takes place on the race track in
        has been the first one since I began with             Gelsenkirchen some weeks after “the
        the Sighthound sport in 2006. Some weeks              Original.” Out of the 10 Sloughis which
        later I received two letters, one from the            were competing in Awans, at least 4 had
        Belgium Sighthound club and another from              been entered there. A very, very

        the German club, both telling me that the             sympathetic gesture from the race club
        doping control results were negative.                 was that, before starting the official race,
                                                              they called every World Racing Winner of
        But there were as well a few drops of                 every breed who actually was there to
        bitterness. Ghanem, Ganoosh’s brother,                come to the inner room of the race track

        was entered too for this race. And as the             to present the dogs to the audience.
        winner of the European Racing                         Everyone got a bouquet of flowers and a
        Championship 2017 he even had a “Green                big applause. It was so lovely. The Sloughis
        Card”, which means he was automatically               running with Ganoosh were the 2nd, 4th
        nominated. Sadly, due to some                         and 5th placed ones from Awans. But he
        circumstances he couldn’t participate.                did it again. He won this race too. A good
                                                              sign?  Next year the FCI European Racing

                                                              Championship will take place on that

           NooshNoosh catching the lure © Marc Goetstouwers

                                                                 NooshNoosh leading the Revanche race in Gelsenkirchen
                                                                            © Andrea Willers "View of soul"
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