Page 29 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 29

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  9

        Coming home after this event, intensive               That means for our Sloughis, who, because
        training on the race track stood on our               of the poor number of participants, used to
        schedule. Now we were in the preparation              run only twice, preliminary round and
        phase for our greatest event of the year:             final, that they had to run 3 times –
        the FCI World Racing Championship in                  deciding which 6 fastest of them reached
        Awans, Belgium.                                       the final after the 1st and 2nd run.
                                                              The grass track of Awans was a dream –

        To everyone’s surprise in 2015, Ganoosh               the turf just like a carpet and it seemed
        had won the FCI European Racing                       that every blade of grass had the same
        Championship as an absolute newcomer                  length as if they had been cut with nail
        during his 1st sport season out of 10                 scissors.
        Sloughi males.

                                                              I was so terribly nervous, my hands and
        In 2016, he became World Racing                       knees were shaking…of course, really
        Champion in Toulouse, France, and in the              nothing in one’s life is depending on how
        year 2017 his brother Ghanem won the title            such a race ends but I think that a good
        of European Racing Champion in Hungary                portion of stage fright always belongs to it.
        – unbelievable these brothers!                        From previous races, I knew the Sloughis
                                                              from Germany and Belgium and I have

        So this year we were training for the World           been able to more or less assess them. But
        Racing Championship. Ten Sloughis from                I knew nearly nothing about those from
        Finland, Germany, Belgium and France out              Finland and France. Very exciting!
        of 7!!! different kennels were participating.
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