Page 28 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 3 - Final Copy
P. 28

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  8

        The area was fantastic! For the three                 After the final run with Hakeem, my Noosh
        coursing fields, the organizers had                   Noosh ended up on a fantastic 4th place of
        enormous surfaces at their disposal.                  all males and was tied in score with the 3rd
        During three days the lure was pulled                 place (in case of a tie the higher points of
        simultaneously on those three fields. The             the 2nd run are decisive). I was so proud

        two courses the Sloughis were competing               and more than satisfied with such a great
        on, were organized by the German and the              result for my Sloughi, as he is a relatively
        Dutch Coursing Teams – staff and                      inexperienced courser. Regrettably, this
        equipment. Because of the large number of             time around, his brothers Ghanem and
        participants, it is no longer possible for            Gabr were not among the first 6 placed
        one nation to organize such an event                  Sloughis. It would have been so smashing if
        alone.                                                they all had been on the winners’ podium.

                                                              Anyway, of one thing I am so sure: they all
        Both courses had a length of at least 1000            had the greatest fun chasing the lure.
        meters (approx. 0,621 miles) and the dogs             Everything was perfect – the weather, the
        had to show if they were in their best                brilliant long courses, the organization, the
        shape.                                                atmosphere and after all no injuries!

        Under the best of weather conditions, we
        went to the start. Ganoosh had the last
        heat of the Sloughis and as there was an
        odd number of males, he had been drawn
        to run solo. Unfortunately, his brother
        Ghanem didn’t have as good a run as he
        used to and Gabr as well didn’t get many

        points from the judges.  Because of the
        solo run, I was very surprised that
        Ganoosh got the second highest score
        behind the Finnish Sloughi Hakeem el
        Djebel de la Bérondière who was European

        Coursing Champion in 2015. Hakeem really                 NooshNoosh's second course at the European Coursing
        had two excellent runs and became FCI                         Championship 2018 © Michaela Schönfeldt
        European Coursing Champion again.
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