Page 34 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW special edition
P. 34
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 4
Although the Sloughi is known to have In 1996 the American Sighthound Field
participated in sighthound sports as early Association started its rare breeds
as 1928 in France, the Sloughi could not project, including the Sloughi, to enable
participate in any sighthound sports in the other sighthound breeds to course the
USA prior to 1994. lure in its “provisional stake”. Sloughi
owners supported the project, and it
That year, a demonstration of oval racing took five years and Sloughis participating
took place in Colorado by Amir, Aswad, at many events across the country for
A’Ssissa Shi’Rayân and Chamisa Schuru- ASFA to recognize the breed officially. As
esch-Schams. President of NOTRA a result, the American Kennel Club
(National Oval Track Racing Association) at accepted the Sloughi for AKC coursing as
the time, Jack William Lewis of Reata well.
Whippets, was so taken with the Sloughis
that he managed to get the breed When these Sloughi pioneers started
recognized for oval racing by December of chasing the lure, Jack Mc Guffin, founder
1994. member of the Sloughi Fanciers
Association of America (SFAA), came up
In summer of 1995, inspired as he wrote it with a wonderful idea to recognize the
by the Sloughi, Jack William Lewis created best Sloughi athletes. He donated the
the LGRA (Large Gazehound Racing Nubia Memorial Cup which he presented
Association) for straight racing, with the as follows:
Sloughi a foundation breed. At the time,
there was straight racing only for Whippets
in the USA. With the creation of the LGRA
all other sighthound breeds could compete
in straight racing.
“The Nubia Memorial Cup is a perpetual trophy presented annually by the Sloughi Fanciers
Association of America to the Sloughi dog or bitch which has most shown itself to excel in
the field during a given year. This determination is made by a tally of all points earned in
any combination of sanctioned field events.”