Page 31 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 2 - Final Copy
P. 31

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  1

        It was one of the reasons that the NVOW                   In May of 1987, the general meeting of
        started the “werkdagen”* in those days.                   the UICL was held in Vac/Hungary and
        The UICL did not act in an adequate                       it was there that the president Günther
        manner and in hindsight it was the                        Schulze determined that the Union was

        beginning of the end of this unique                       a club without power. It was a chaotic
        organization. In 1985, the general meeting                meeting of which, in our clubmagazine
        of the UICL decided to found a breeding                   “Oriëntatie” from June/July 1987, an
        committee and nominate an important                       extended report was published. The
        sighthound lover and organizer as                         UICL racing committee was against
        secretary-general, Jean-Jacques Charles                   addressing the atypical Afghan Hounds
        from Switzerland. At that time there were                 problems and they were able to push

        2 sighthound clubs from the Netherlands                   through their will! A next meeting in
                                                                  1988 did not bring a solution either (see
        that were still member of the UICL, the                   Oiëntatie August 1988) and it was
        Dutch Greyhound Club and the NVOW.                        already told that the UICL was almost
                                                                  gone. The entire board resigned and an
        Willem Buitenkamp, being NVOW                             interim board was installed who thought

        chairman, became the Dutch                                it necessary to have a completely new
        representative in the breeding committee.                 structure of the organization.
        Immediately in 1986, we undertook action
        by approaching the UICL board to address                  On a meeting in Baden-Baden, the
        the atypical Afghan hounds problem, which                 NVOW handed in a proposal for a new
        was so urgently needed. We proposed for                   structure with the motto: no longer an
        example a type- or conformation judging,                  improved racing club, but a club striving

        before one could apply for a racing                       towards a renewed connection with the
        certificate. We firmly suggested that the                 FCI. The Dutch Greyhound Club, being a
        UICL would ask their member countries to                  racing club, told us that they did not
        do the same for their national races,                     want to make a proposal, but their
        something that in fact took place in                      chairman, Frans Gerritsen, was at the
        Germany. We made a similar proposal to                    meeting also and supported the

        the Dutch Kennel Club, which after a lot of               proposal.
        discussion was accepted but was not
        implemented in day to day practice; the
        NVOW had not a single jurisdiction on the
        race tracks.
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