P. 104

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   1 0 4

          Amulet for dogs made from gazelle hooves.             After the hunt, the reward: a dog eats the offal
            Tuareg Tenguériguif, in La Chasse p.93                  of an antelope. Lhote, in La Chasse p.96

        Lhote continues:

        “In general, however, we can assume that the gazelle is hunted much more frequently with
        traps than with dogs among the Tuareg for two reasons. The first reason is that not

        everyone who hunts also has a dog suitable for the job. The second reason is that a single
        active hunter can set fifteen or twenty traps in a morning and thus increase his chances of
        catching. Depending on the case - and this is essentially a personal matter - the gazelle
        hunters use the radar circle, the radar tip trap with or without a snare, or the crossbow

        trap. In the Ahaggar, the radial tip trap with snare is rarely used. This is because they are
        mostly people who hunt while at the same time going to herd goats or look after camels. In
        both cases they are often accompanied by dogs, and even though these are not particularly
        good at running, they can still grab the gazelle if it has a tether on its leg. The radar tip trap

        is of the small type, and is twenty-two centimeters in diameter” (p. 94).

        Henri Lhote gives us an important insight into the world of the nomads here. Not
        everyone can afford a dog, but that doesn't mean they have to be any less successful at
        hunting when they set traps or use other hunting tools.

        Hunting the mouflon with the dogs is still interesting for us because the mouflon is a
        defensive animal.
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