P. 56
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 5 6
-Hunting with nets in Ancient Egypt
The Ancient Egyptians, however, used nets that were set up widely at night so that the
game grazing in them could be hunted the next day. Above we had already seen with the
stone gates in Palestine until the 1920s that the “Salukis” were let loose on the gazelles in
an enclosed area. Whether a type of dog like a Canaan Dog is capable of catching up in a
fast run with an extremely fast gazelle or an ibex is unlikely.
Besides the fast run of a sighthound, however, there is also the endurance run of a hound
to catch up with a fast game like the gazelle. We also see this, for example, in the African
wild dogs, which take turns chasing a gazelle that has previously been separated from the
herd until the animal is exhausted.
Whether a type of sighthound was already used here in Arabia remains questionable.
There is no evidence of hounds until Tutankhamun or Arrian, who were able to keep up
with a galloping horse over long distances or catch a hare in the run.