P. 88

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    8 8

                                                                    Algerian Sloughis by French artist A. Lançon in
                                                                    La Chasse illustrée 30 Avril, 1870.

        So much for Daumas. Several things need to be said about this text. On the one hand,
        Angela Perri's thesis is metaphorically refuted here that dogs would not attack a larger
        herd or scatter it because of their barking and therefore could not be used for the

        successful hunting of gazelles, for example.

        On the other hand, a form of hunting is described here which took place between the
        historical description in Roman times, as in Arrian's and in the times of the Severans, and
        a present-day situation in which hunting gazelles on horseback seems hardly possible any
        more. But this is because the population of gazelles has decreased considerably due to
        excessive hunting and the disappearance of the wide natural spaces.
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