P. 93

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    9 3

                                                                Douz 1970s, a proud Tunisian with his hunting
                                                                companions, two Sloughis, which he looks at
                                                                lovingly © Schritt

       So Angela Perri is wrong both about hunting larger game with hounds, the example of
       wolves attacking and killing a bison in a pack, and about attacking a herd of several

       hundred animals. Of course, this only becomes possible when several wolves or Sloughis
       attack. But from these examples we see clearly that both the wild form of the canids
       (here: the wolf) and the domesticated dogs basically hunt in the same way. The
       independent hunting of the Sloughis, however, shows that the form of domestication here
       still represents a very original stage. The hound was not “trained”, man is not the great
       designer who says how the hunt should proceed according to his will. No, he swims along
       in the “fairway” of the hound!

       This also sheds light on the question of domestication or the general understanding of
       domestication today. Is the Sloughi an “animal primitif”, a original animal?

       Daumas describes the preparation of the young Sloughis for their tasks as hunting dogs.

       At 3 - 4 months they are set on rats or small rodents, at 5 - 6 months on hares. This is
       done in such a way that “people on foot lead the hound close to the camp where the hare has
       crouched, by a light call they draw the young dog's attention, who now pounces on it and
       thus soon gets used to a fast and well-considered run at the same time.
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