P. 94
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 9 4
From the hare, one moves on to the gazelle; one approaches the places where the young
gazelles rest with their mothers, draws the attention of the hound, who rears up with
impatience, and lets him go. After a short practice, he catches up with them and begins to
pursue the old gazelles fiercely.
The hound has turned one year old after these first lessons, he has his full strength, his nose
is more trained feels the gazelle on the scent, but you still go easy on him and don't rush him
until he is 15 - 18 months old. ...
If the hunter eviscerates the gazelle, he gives the Slougui the meat from the soft parts, for he
would scornfully reject the entrails. ...
The two-year-old sighthound no longer learns to hunt and never will.” (p.156, 157)
Daumas mentions a few essential points besides training the young Sloughis. The Sloughis
bark before they rush off to hunt. And, more importantly, they use their nose to pick up
the game's scent and track it! Therefore, the Sloughi is not only a sighthound in our eyes,
hunting exclusively by sight, but it is also a pointing dog, in that it tracks the game and
points it out. As an original dog, the Sloughi has many dispositions which are reflected in
the selected breeds as separate breeds. However, while chasing the game, it does not
make a hunting sound.
Ouled Nail woman with Sloughi 1916