P. 31

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    3 1

                                      Figure 2: Body measurement points in this study.
        Various statistical analysis and models were used to analyze the data.


        Body measurements:

        If height at withers and body length are compared across all dogs, the sighthounds of the
        Wilaya of Tlemcen have a body length almost equal to the height at withers.

        A significant difference was found between individuals of the different zones for muzzle

        circumference (MC) and a very significant difference for index of bone (IOB).

        These differences can result from their genetic makeup, the effect of the environment
        where dogs live, physical activities, food or breeding method, dogs kept captive or free.

        For the rest of all body measurements and body indices, there were no differences

        between individuals from the different zones.

        For significant, very significant and highly significant traits, males showed higher results
        than females and this type of difference is very common in different breeds of dogs,
        males being bigger. Regarding body indices there were no differences between males and
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