Page 25 - Backup_of_JANET VANDRPUIJE.cdr
P. 25
Supp. Hymn 40
IT IS WELL Tune: Wille Du Haure The bleeding martyrs, they Within these courts are found, Clothed in pure
array, Their scars with glory crown'd: O happy place! When shall I be My
1. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows, like see- GOD, with Thee, To see Thy Face?
billows, roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know, It is well, it is well
with my soul. Chorus: It is well........ with my soul...... It is well, it is well with my Ah me! ah me! that I In kedar's tents here stay: No place like that on high;
soul. LORD thither guide my way: My GOD, with Thee, O happy place! When
shall I be To see Thy Face?
2. Though Satan should buffet, Though trials should come, Let this blest
control, That CHRIST hath regarded my helpless estate! And hath shed His Hymn 228
own blood for my soul. Jerusalem the golden, With milk and honey blest, Beneath Thy
contemplation Sink heart and voice opprest, I know not, oh, I know not
3. My sin- oh, this bliss of this glorious Thought! My sin--not in part, but the What joys await us there, What radiancy of glory, What bliss beyond
whole, Is nailed to the cross; and I bear it no more; Praise the LORD, praise compare.
the LORD, O my soul!
They stand, those hails of sion, All jubilant with Song, And bright with many
4. But, LORD, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming, we wait, The sky, not the grave is an Angel And all the Martyr throng: The Prince is ever in them, The daylight
our goal; Oh, trump of the angel, Oh, voice of the LORD! Blessed hope! is serene: The pastures of the blessed Are deck'd in glorious sheen.
blessed rest of my soul.
There is the Throne of David: And there, from care released, The shout of
5. And, LORD, haste the day when the faith shall be sight, The clouds be them that triumph, The song of them that feast; And they, who with their
rolled back as a scroll, The trump shall resound and the LORD descends, Leader Have conquer'd in the ght For ever and for ever Are clad in robes
"Even so" it is well with my soul. of white.
O sweet and blessed country, The home of GOD's elect! O sweet and
Hymn 233 blessed country That eager hearts expect! JESU, in mercy bring us To that
Jerusalem on high My Song and city is, My home whene'er I die, The centre dear land of rest; Who art, with GOD the FATHER And SPIRIT, ever blest.
of my bliss: O happy place! When shall I be My GOD, with Thee, To see they
face? Hymn 222
Ten Thousand time ten Thousand, In sparking raiment bright, The armies of
There dwells my LORD, my King Judged here unt to live; There Angels to the ransom'd saints Throng up the steeps of light.. "Tis nish'd! all is nish'd,
Him sing, And lowly homage give: O happy place! When shall I be My Their ght with death and sin; Fling open wide the golden gates, And let
GOD, with Thee, To see Thy Face? the victors in.
The patriarchs of old What rush of Alleluias Fills all the earth and sky! What ringing of a Thousand
There from their travels cease; The Prophets there behold Their longed-for harps
Prince of peace: O happy place! When shall I be My GOD, with Thee, To Bespeaks the triumph nigh! O day, for which creation And all its tribes were
see Thy Face? made! O joy, for all its former woes A Thousand-fold repaid!
The Lamb's apostles there I might with joy behold, The harpers I might hear Oh, then what raptured greetings On Canann's happy shore What knitting
Harping on harps of gold: O happy place! When shall I be My GOD, with sever'd friendships up. Where partings re no more! Then eyes with joy shall
Thee, To see Thy Face? sparkle That brimm'd with tears of late; Orphans no longer FATHERless, Nor