Page 32 - Trench and Excavation
P. 32

Important Trench Numbers

               15 inches -   Minimum  trench  width  where  fall  protection  on  a  crossover  bridge  would  be
                              required. Trench required to be 6 feet deep or more
               18 inches -   Support or shield system must extend at least 18 inches above the toe of a sloped
               18 inches -   Maximum distance from top hydraulic cylinder to top of the trench in a vertical
                              aluminum shoring system
               2 feet -       Maximum depth that an excavation can extend below the protective system (if the
                              system is designed for the entire depth)
               2 feet -       Recommended  minimum  distance  between  the  floor  of the  trench  and  the
                              groundwater table
               2 feet -       Minimum width between  forms and excavation wall for residential  foundation
                              excavation to be exempted from Trenching Regulations
               2 feet -       Surcharge loads must be kept at least 2 feet from the edge of the trench
               2 feet -       Maximum distance between floor of the trench and the bottom of an aluminum
                              upright in a vertical aluminum shoring system
               2 feet -       Maximum distance between the upper aluminum waler and the top of the trench in
                              a horizontal aluminum shoring system
               2 feet -       When vertical spacing of cross-braces is 4 feet, place the to cross-brace no more
                              than 2 feet from the top of the trench
               2.5 feet -     When vertical spacing of cross-braces is 5 feet, place the to cross-brace no more
                              than 2.5 feet from the top of the trench
               2.5 feet -     Maximum distance between bottom cross-brace and trench floor if uprights are not
                              imbedded or a mudsill is not used
               3 feet -       Maximum distance between bottom cross-brace and trench floor if uprights are
               3 feet -       Ladders must extend at least 3 feet above the top of the trench
               3.5 feet -     Maximum distance between bottom cross-brace and trench floor if a mudsill is
               3.5 feet -     All excavations 8 feet or less in depth in TYPE A soil which have unsupported
                              vertically sided lower portions shall have a maximum vertical side of 3.5 feet and
                              a maximum allowable slope of 3/4H: 1V
               3.5 feet -     All excavations more than 8 feet, but less than 12 feet in depth in TYPE A soil
                              which have unsupported vertically sided lower portions shall have  a maximum
                              vertical side of 3.5 feet and have a maximum allowable slope of 1H: 1H
               4 feet -       Trenches 4 or more feet are required to have a means of egress every 25 feet
               4 feet -       Trenches 4 feet or more must have atmosphere tested if a hazardous atmosphere
                              potential exists
               4 feet -       Maximum height of bottom step for benched systems for TYPE A Soil
               4 feet -       Maximum height of all benched steps in benched system for TYPE B Soils
               4 feet -       Maximum  distance  between  the  bottom  hydraulic  cylinder  and  the  floor  of  the
                              trench in a vertical aluminum shoring system
               4 feet -       Maximum distance between the lower aluminum waler and the floor of the trench
                              in a horizontal aluminum shoring system
               5 feet -       Trenches 5 feet or more in depth must have protective system
               5 feet -       Maximum height of upper steps in benched system for TYPE A soil

               Trench & Excavation
               Competent Person Training                                            P3 Safety Solutions LLC
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