Page 33 - Trench and Excavation
P. 33

6 feet -       Trenches 6 or more feet in depth, and 15 inches or more in width are required to
                              have fall protection on the Crossover Bridge
               6 feet -       Barricades should be kept at least 6 feet from the hazard
               7.5 feet -     Maximum depth for a residential foundation excavation to be exempted from
                              Trenching Regulations
               8 feet-        All excavations 8 feet or less in depth in TYPE A soil which have unsupported
                              vertically sided lower portions shall have a maximum vertical side of 3.5 feet and
                              ~ maximum allowable slope of 3/4H: 1V
               12 feet -      All excavations more than 8 feet, but less than 12 feet in depth in TYPE A soil
                              which have unsupported vertically sided lower portions shall have a  maximum
                              vertical side of 3.5 feet and have a maximum allowable slope of 1H: 1H
               12 feet -      Simple slope excavations in TYPE A soil which are 12 feet or less in depth can be
                              sloped at 1/2H: 1V
               15 feet -      Maximum width for excavation to be a trench
               20 feet -      Maximum trench depth for Competent Person to design the protective system
               20 feet -      Maximum trench depth to use tables in Appendix B, C, and D
               25 feet -      Maximum allowed travel distance to a ladder

               Trench & Excavation
               Competent Person Training                                            P3 Safety Solutions LLC
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