Page 19 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 19
F*cd Storage & *istrihxti*n F*deratisi?
Pror$*firg axrellrmrr iff &*# lqgisilcs
il*&.** Ag*t3T 1J5 J*iffi {"35 t{E&l-Tr.{ & 5&rgrf v$r* rua!fi# pfitSs 5fi&$5Ffi}
Ne.uffi li*me * Neuffi :a **erakrrs f'tre*rs *]N Fa*d Sexsri{* $r*xkx Up *
ll Food Strvice St*rks Up cn {arrier Transic*ld X*rt$sffi Units f*r Fl*rt
Neti*rl*t w&*ksai*rl$ F*ad S*npics ha* *x,p*md*d itx fteet vs*l: 38 rlesr 3.Fr*n*e rnucks rnor,lrlled *ish irs*qri*rrd
fusdies cnd Cnrrier ?ra*sisold Xrn*sw S&* *n*n<ptemperarl.lre rcfrigerati** e*ft*ts. FSSF rrr*rnh*r {*rr**r Tra*rir*l#-
whirh apfrrst*s in ti:e UK ss {arrier Traruiraid {lJfi} Lintit*d is a p*rt +:f t}T{ f,limatA C*':rrais & 5*ruriry- a unit c>f
Unimd Technologies (orp. (F,lY5f;: t"jTI"i"
The eon:pa*y, u*fuielt *ts {*rc}*r Trans!,cn*d {.}fiits a{rasc tS* p*r e**t e{ i* fieeq ef t6* pr*d*rlri*antly rigid trudcl-
dec{ribes {arrkr Trang*c*{d's rekig*r6ti&* i.trlits s5 t*e "re{iah** rc*rl*}rsrse*ef its *p*rari*n*- and ideal fc}r &*
ecrnp*nt's **rqi*ued rxFansisn intn nerp r*Si*ns of r{tt i3i{.
*peni*g a nr.r*nb**" c;f, *eEm, sit€€ tt*s ye*q includin6 {*citttteg in *a,6m*lmlrr- Lric*st*r and fr**nr astle"* sa*S
h$idtry {ldentegte, chi*f tr*ltsp*rr off'kr4.f! $**d S*rv***. Yrar:rskc*d x*t** r*n*ein a;ur prcf*rred a*pp{**r ex
t*:* fr*ff Er*tr*E f* matetr *tig in*reas*d r***r*rkad, eh*nkl in r.t*: s*ratri S*rrttr **r *rr:g ar;d prndxee*r*e rm*rkiu:g
r*{*ri**ship ***& the cfiffepsny- We-rre *rperae*d nothing bu* {*rriqr for rfi$ny fl&l*r r*** **mp*rryfs qflstan?s
art d"r* re{i*hlt ur<lrlEtr*rs* *f *r;r fi*et. Th*fre eary [e *p*ret*,, drp**dah$a *n* id*ally *uil**d ta &s *rhx* rrruki-
drop *nturx *f *rrr *:r<ldq,*
Ti:* r:e** arrirrals wif{ be uted 4nt*r:si!r*}y, d*{iv*rirg pr*d*n'*nantty fr*a*r: g**ds. te}$ F**d 5*ru*re! cusr$rrters,
rtl&iah inci$de testaurants, FUb& h*tels- scFee*ls, crftiy*rxitir* *nd laeai suth*riti*s. Th* c*mpa*y*xpc{Es ** ke*p tfre
l:ueu ?*rrru*rd' f*?5.1S* trxclcs * vrrl*rq& fEature F*r**ltes b*qliee - in x*rviqe for *p t* f*ne,caars. *rd w**l x*i$lse
{arritr ?ransicslds nmw*rk s*nri*:e p6rtr}*rs t*r its ff}aift,tenendr reqffdr*r&fra}cs" Exah n*cylrt:l* s*rvic* p*rtner {s ,an
[ndep**'rde*t {*ir}Sar}y r}tat prrvidcs sripp$rt t* rarst*nlars *p*ratirrg {arrier Tr.ansic*ld eqr.iiprfieffi.
(*Sa&le af rnairtmi*ing * $.*t pfi*ilt *f bg*rxc* -3# x:td +*S dcsr*es {sl*i*.J* ir: v*hid*s rruith fux {r*r*t *-
"***n3" tll* {arr*rrTr,anximrld Xsrias rer**e is we{{ sarrted t*l} F**d S*c?ic*k inte*sir*e *per*tkms. Tfu* unit's eduafte*d
ei**scu+tlr estlqr*$[er erad hr*ch$es6 tbns hdp tn *ns{-trr h*g}t r*l}*bi$lry *nd * l**g pr***:x *ifeuime- whil* rhe *yxr**l'*
u*cr*-r$im eves*retsrs imcrease at**ilah{s il:*d sp*c*, xilmeimg$ Fasd 5*r"rr*e* tc rrr*xin*sr aar}r **liuely run-
F*und*d in ?*S# hy restaurat*ur ?t6*.mtafa lti*ffiil at a 3,S&* $q{*ire fu*t*uoreh*r*sr lri }l*rnsey,$ S*ad $*nrire nl}$r
*pf;r*Ea* a gr**rin6 rloti*mtlridt r:*t*nmk *{d*triwry fuubr in Sa*ing**a *irm*rgft*rn, Eristcl" **rrcaster, Le*da
March*xtx and S*dcup" The f*rrn a$xa *pa.rat*s a nurfiber cf rwrs-labei bre*ds iaur:cla*d * rnaar clxn6ire6 e*rtl*xmer
buyrng habits.
F*r rrurrt inf'*rrraati*n cln {*rfier Tr*r"rsic*}d xrd its pr*d*ctr *r*d t*ri{€*o lcisit wrn }cr.€arri*,rrra*siqold-ao,uk. Fa*leve
'{,*rr}er Transic*}d c}* T$$i$€r: S5rrcrt(trldChair*