Page 20 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 20

*     Lfileat+.'i'  -io*,   :rJ(k :Jie-!   Ilre*s   Qdde5   Loadr   fiaijirer  s€r$(e:   Drlver !er!raa:

                       "i"i  Ft,;i.ri.j  -\r:i"r,'ii-r:  l'ri,i.)r, i<-'. I li,)  i-)r : t,,,rf rlt'f Tf;l :.(ii-i-tii,i

                       Xarios* Units for Fleet [xpan$on
                                :th ,,;i. d'*1?



                       qprs&J r; $r #l( *s {arrrr ?ia"'rsraer;d  d.ffl lir*:}*d  :s  d  roarnof  lj.lrf f,lir|?rfe,  fs/?frsJs S.str$r'/4i  e  jjr'ljtof  #e;}ff
                       Iec&nobg*rs {nro.  rtr$}55: {.iill

                       'Tn*                               'l0S
                          {orriotsnil"  +riliri} f}ti Caril€r  Tfefir*o}d  ufl}t$  a{r+sc   *er  (eflt  *f ;ts fie,+t d I S$  prEdsrl:ien1{-  r;*id tr${l:!
                       d*r{r1b*s  {a.*e|  Transi{old"s  r*frigeratim  unrtr  as tl'€ "relieble   '.rg*r!hcrsa"  of tr aperitlqns.  in$ ide&i fsr tii*
                       csr*plnf i {sntinued  expansisfi  i},to rlei# regior.r sf the ii'i,-

                       "#€'c  $pe'li** a i*r*ber  sf *trs siteg thr: !€sr,  !H;udir'* fa{iiitiri  !n Seqenhsa0,  Ler(* ttr ntd *ieiircerti*,  F;,f;
                       il{i{,i:€f  ti'tr*t-1!}gue..:href  tran5ss*  qffcer,  J-i F6oC Ser-eqe-   }q,!ii rclT'alr *qJrprgferr*d:uppier  ai
                       tle fleet qrows to rrlat(n  ti1";s rffr*ased  'nsriioi{i  lil&.*ks  ln rc 5.mei}  gart  to *uf io*S  and  Frsdutlrye  rdeaijnq
                       rsiatisn$hip  yiith  tlrs  aore.snny.  PJe've  sperate* fiothi*g b{.rt Cnniei fDr ,rrery \€ars noi{ - t*s {*!n$6n','  :
                       srjrterrs  *re the lel,ab,f uio{t:hA$e  Of *ur *eet. Th*y'rt  gas:{tO  Operate,.dependfibie"  ir1d ideiil'?  surteo  to t^e
                       i;*a*  nrultrdr<r* nntum Gf s$r {sarkl'

                       The  *ew a#lvalr wlii k us{d int**$ju*i\t,  dellerifi€  *redofti|:ant}y  f{6aei1  Ssed,  t0.3J  Food  Seri'ire"g custome,-s,
                           i*{iuds regtauran$"  puh5"  h*tel:.  r{hsois,  ijr,{rt$.rti*r  snd  l${nl  aijthoiitie!" The {ffr1pity  r{pett5 ts i:eep
                       ir-\e !r*rq.J  "$ar\&'rrd'  tl?i.1* ru{.kt  -  t'?hit.l  Eature  Farielte:,(  bodlel  *  in le*,ic*  fcr un t+*,,e  ?e6rt, $rd \tuili utiil!*
                       i,rrrer Tia4$i{*id  5 ri61B*ri{ ffi{*{f  Sa{ner5  fi3r ltr mair1terBr,t*  requife*e*16"  Eich !1t*Jr*ft  ler*iie  pift1et  rt
                       ;r irl{ecl**d€rit  cor:ioanf lhat  piovrdes  :{r}por{  tg  (lr!t{Hne$  o*efstlnQ  (tr'rier  ?ranrie*ld  eEu:p,"fie*t-

                       {soabl€.Of  rr!tinta;{'ii!19  t s€t ilfl,rt +f b,etlverfl  -:S  and +30 dtsreeB {eltiul  rn veti{i* w,th  b+3( uol*rnes fr8!t  .S
                       4Sm  3, the {ani*r lranciccld  Xariss  ra.'g*,  is $r}i suitrd to JJ ilaod  Seryi(f'5 intecx;l€ speiatic*&  The $fii :
                       ad"*a*{*S  eE{tro*lc  {efttroile{ and br$5hle55  fan, iltlp ta €*!ure  iqe{1  l{iiabiir$ end a :anq srod{.,{i  iifreir*.
                       lvhrie ttrt  gygier}1!  r.iitre-siim euapt|atsE  in{re&Ie  *./aiiah}e  load @a(€. aitsHl$,q  J.,  Fssd  5*{!.i{s ta #rexirnire
                       *a{t1 dti}',ie!'!, ru:

                       Fcund*ci  in 19S8 by rcsteuretf ur ,"4uslafa  {jfiffiii  at E 3,0S0  squar* fo+t v-;areir+ult  in i"l+rnsev,  JJ F*oc iergrit
                       p,*.Jr  cperater  a  *rqv*ing  rratie*tde  *e&++rk of deiifer:*  h*hs i* entir,grts*e  *r/#iif',Ghiarn,  E istol, ts!'lta5ter,
                       Lrrdr,  i,'1anc,'lettsr  *nd  Sidcug.  ?F-e firnr alw op*rat*s a ll.ini*r,  ef s,vi-Jabql  brnfld5 *!.,rrEfi€d  t* m**t
                       (xar$iilg  {onrurfifr  hirying  ha?iir.

                       fsr ril*r{ itfsr4rsti**  oo tarlirr Tra,q'irsu aftd its  psdr"tts  atd H'r'Ji{e!,
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