Page 11 - Isuzu Truck Press Cuttings January 2017
P. 11
1goiln17 JJ Food Service Stocks Up on Carrier Transicdd Xariosru Units for Fleet Expansion - Fleet Magazine
' '' Auqust)015
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The new arrivals wil.l be used intensiveLy, deilver-ing predominantly frczen, Jl Food Servire's custor-ners, "vhtch
include restaurants, pubs, hotels, schools, universities and local authorities. The company expects to keep the lsuzu
'Forward' N75.190 trucks - which feature Paneltex bodies - in service for up to five years, and wi[[ utilise Carrier
Transicold's network service partners for its maintenance requirements. Each network service partner is an independent
company that provides support to customers operating Carrier Transicotd equipment.
Capable of maintaining a set point of betvveen -20 and +30 degrees Cetsius in vehicles with box volumes from 8-40m5, the
Carrier Transicold Xarios range is weit suited to ]J Food Service's intensive operations. The unit's advanced electronic
.ontrotler and brushtess fans hetp to ensure high reliabitity and a tong product Lifetime, whi[e the system's u[tra-s[im
f rorators increase avai[ab[e load space, aLtowing JJ Food Service to maximise each delivery run.
f-r rdedinlg88byrestaurateurMustafaKiamiLata3,000squarefootwarehouseinHornsey,jJFoodServicenow
-f:-.ates a growing nationwide network of detivery hubs in Basingstoke, Birmingham, Bristol, Doncaster, Leeds' Manchester
and Sidcup. The firm aLso operates a number of own-l.abel brands launched to meet changing consumer buying habits.
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