Page 8 - Isuzu Truck Press Cuttings January 2017
P. 8
rccord nwnborofnow vans and pickups hit A*Esh rosds : ;&i 1;,,1r.?'li:i 1i'ii ;-. "*":
in 2[}16 aecordng to &re lstest figures rebased by the &
Society of Motor ltianulacdrrers and Traders (SMMTI. ".j'i .;i...f it i,r:: 1".i i;,,; ,& t*4
375,687 neu ligfit cornmereials wers rcgistored during
tte year - the ffihest ever levd - and marks the four$r consecutive .MONTH: DOWN -10.4(l%TO
year of growth. 27,239
. N6w light commercial vehicle registrations riso 1.O7o to 375,687 .YTD: UP 1.04% TO 375,687
units in ?O16 mad<ing four ymrs of consecuti\re groyvth {# i r'i..r.: :ri-.1 l.:'.1 l: :,-::.:l;:,...:
t& :
' Pickups drive growth, with 47,715leaving showrooms in the .MONTH: DOWN -29.39% TO
r past 12 months - an uplift at 17 .6% s &;* 2,371
*& tW
Overall rnarket lalls -10.4% in month followirq bumper .YTD: DOWN -14.18o/o TO 36,S18
kcember 2015 - only the fourth month of decline in 2016
$[ 9*fr *E$ifAilII$tS Rolt]rg tr€{ t#s Owtl#;r S10 to dde
3S*,*q* l,:',::':i.,.:. : i:'l:i-.;1:r'ri ,' :.]., lt t,
i3&;uffi . MONTH: UP 23.73o/o'fO 4,077
'YTD: DOWN -2.49o/o10 53,787 @::
i**.*ffi *:*{ Jr,$} Srq .}relr C$* .}l#i Sr( ,&r0 Sse **e :.f!irsl;l Ox t& i*a
;9r& ;01S e*f} 3e!1 asi, e*u ar13 afr* ;$r4 a&s *f1*
The record uras achiwd depite a dorarntum in kember, u*tsr t,1;'.il:,r ;:'il..i.:i';': ::t i: 11.1 r, i
l',.'."r;.j:ui,:..i .i-: :,r :,j
regtstrations fdl ior onty tha iourth time in 2016. Despite the -10.4% fatl, it
was stitl the second biggest Decenrber on rmord after 2015's all-time record .MONTH: DOWN -17.3% TO
month when dernand grew by 14,6%. 16,902
Overall in 2016, plcklps $rere the biggest success story of the yar with . YTD: UP 4;I7o/oTO 232,945
47,715 vetlicles leaving showroorns - an uplift of 17.6%. The ryrment grew
i.i l i1,i'{"; r'r l*i:, fl::i ;-:iil rj.;.] 'I
significantty in anary month except for January, cukrinating in a bumper "l ii ir ::":, ii ;.'$.
Decarnber whsr dernand rose 52.2%. Meanrivtile, hearry vans we{;hing 2^5-
3.5T also grew in the year by 4.8% la 232,948 units to take a 62% nrart<et -MONTH; DOWN -17.21 TO 5O5
share. .YTD: DOWN -3.95 rO 7,685
Mike Hzures, $MMT Chief Executive, saidl 'Another record year for
light commercial vehicles is great nflrs - even with rnarginal growih - and
undedines the fundarn€ntal strength ofthe sestor. To srsure njture fleet
inwstment and growth in this important rnarket, buryers - and rnanufactur€rs
- are looking for a skong econorny ard brusiness environment."
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