Page 5 - Isuzu Truck Press Cuttings January 2017
P. 5
Client: lsuzu Truck UK
lssue: January 2O!7
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MAC Tools UK has JUst taken delrvery fulier range of available products to their
of jts seconri lsueu 7.5 tonrre rigiti k:olbox customers_"'
truck, r,vlrich is being used as a motriie
demonstration vehicle for selling fJorlrJ Both of lhe lsuzu Forward N7S.tg0
4x2 rigids have beerr specified with the
Class Tooti:oxes ancl related products poprrlar Easyshifl aulomatic transmission
to professrorrai automotive workshops as standard. Thrs latest lsuzu {eatures a
dislinctive new red and black livery witlr
through tts naticnal franclrise network. contrasting image$ on bcth sides, ancJ the
MAC Tools UK a{rearJy had one i$Lrzlr
demonstration vehicle, and as a result hox body was commissiorrerl by V4Vans,
of tire success oi these first two Isuu us who were aiso r.esponsible for kitting; out
they will be iooking to add a third the interiors with stylish product displays.
demonstratron lsr:zu 7.5 tonner in due
course. tr
Mark Stenning from MAC Tcois said:
"Having tlrese exira-large bodied lsuzus 'i
allows us to clrive more *:iles through our
franchisees as we can provide them with
a far greater support package showing a