Page 231 - Yearbook 2018-2019 changes copy
P. 231

Kanisa Fellowship’s Kingsway College Alumni, Family and Friends extend their

                         Elgan Aubin, Class of 2016
                                                                                  Emerald Aubin, Class of 2019

                                                    We just want to congratulate you as you graduate.
                                                 It’s a treasured moment in your life, No one can take away.
                                   May you know God's hand is upon you as you go forth from this place, into a future of expectation,
                                                         with an abundance of God’s grace.
                                                         KINGSWAY COLLEGE ALUMNI:
                                 Adolph Williams, Angeline Edwards, Angeline (mom), Mervyn Henry, Deangilo Valentine, Shane Larrow

 Cassia,  From your first smile   Congratulations Demetre and Lorann Jarrett
 and blink of your bright eyes, we

 knew you would seek to explore   Dear Denar/                                                              Dear Lorann,
 the world and defeat challenges   Demetre,                                                                You are a
 that come your way. We pray   You are a                                                                   hardworking,
                true inspira-                                                                              dedicated,
 that you continue to grow with   tion to others.                                                          fun loving,
 God during your travels and   You are very                                                                and law abid-
                dedicated,                                                                                 ing person
 serve Him. “She is clothed with   and are                                                                 with a beau-
 strength and dignity and laughs   always there                                                            tiful heart.  I
                for others                                                                                 pray that God
 without fear of the future,”   You are quite                                                              will always be
 Proverbs 31:25. “God has more   awesome.                                                                  present in your
                God bless                                                                                  future so that
 in store for you than you can   you in all of                                                             you can claim
 even imagine,” Ephesians 3:20.   your future                                                              all the bless-
                endeavors.                                                                                 ings He has
 You have always made our hearts                                                                           promised.
                Love Always,
 sing!  With love and joy always,              Mom Dad                                                     Love Always,
                Brothers and                                                                               Mom Dad
 Mom and Dad,    Lorann                                                                                    Brothers and
 Kianna, Caleb,
 Kalyssa and Cadence
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