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P. 226
Karl Knight
Each day will be an adventure for
you. There is so much life can bring
to you. Follow your dreams and make
us proud. Love, Mom
GOD WILL NOT PROTECT YOU” Karl, I wich you God’s richest blessings for the Karl . . . You did it! I’m proud of
future. Always remember to put God first and you. Love, Nate (your little Broth-
Karl, Congratulations, wishing you second and you will not be last. Greg er). Remembe I’m taller though!
all the best in the future. Oakland.
*Karl, this part of your journey has
Karl, Congratulations on behalf of me ended and a new one is about to be-
and the family. Graduation is your gin . . . Remember the lessons you
first big step in life, after graduation. have learned along the way. Re-
I’m telling you right now from experience member the people who have helped
that it gets hard, it’s tough but there is a you. Remember the ones that love
verse in the Bible that says, “I can do all you unconditionally. We are proud
things through Christ which strength-
eneth me.” I want you to keep that verse in of you, Mommy and Jessie
your heart, keep going at life, it’s going Work hard and be honest in all you
to be hard, tough, but keep pushing. God do, and you will succeed. Love,
has your back and so do I. Whenever you Granddad
have a problem, you have my number, hit
me up and I will help you with whatever I Time is life’s greatest currency, in-
can. I just want to say congratulations, vest it well, and may the Spirit of
you made it. I’m happy. the Lord be with you always. Dad
Today we stand proud, always let God be your
guide and hold on tight, Karl, you’re about to
soar! Contratulations. Auntie Aundrea
I’ll love you forever, I might not like you al-
ways, but as long as I’m living my baby broth-
er you’ll be. Congratulations on completing
this first step. Love Ya! Toni