Page 222 - Yearbook 2018-2019 changes copy
P. 222

Jensine Aure

                                                        Not too long ago, I prayed to God
                                                    That I can walk you to your first day of school
                                                  I thought it would be the first and last chance I had
                                                 For my days were not certain, and sickness will rule

                                              He heard my prayers and answered more than I asked Him
                                                    Fourteen years, that I didn’t expect to have
                                                For now, I will see you walk to receive your HS diploma
                                              And with His grace, soon will be sending you off to university

                                                        There’s so much to thank God for
                                                    The opportunity to have more years with you
                                                   And all the blessings, protection and guidance
                                             Everything our family has, we owe all to our God and Saviour

                                                           Congratulations Jensine
                                                         and to the Class of 2018-2019
                                                        May God continue to bless you
                                                      and guide you on all your endeavors

                                                      Love Mom, Dad, Nanay & whole family
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