Page 223 - Yearbook 2018-2019 changes copy
P. 223

Emily Kuchurivski
                                                                         Dear Emily! We congratulate you on your successful high school graduation.
                                                                         As you fearlessly take next steps into your future, remember Paul’s words:
                                                                         “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by ev-
                                                                         eryone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry,
                                                                         written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets
                                                                         of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such confidence we have through
                                                                         Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything
                                                                         for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”
                                                                         2 Corinthians 3:2-5
                                                                         We love you,
                               Lisa Marie
                                                                         Papa, Mama,
                                 Morgan                                  Nicole, Lauren,
                                                                         Mamika, Didi
                            Congratulations Kacey!
                    You have learned and achieved so much
                   academically, spiritually and emotionally
                 during this chapter of your life and we are so
                 proud of the smart, silly, tough, talented and
                    tenacious young woman you've become!
                  Continue to strive for excellence in all that
                        you do and always put God first.
                           We love you big bunches,
                      Mama, Papa, Jaymie and Charlee xo

                                                   Jennella                                         Kristine Aradanas
                                                                                                        Be strong and of good
                                                                                                      courage, do not be afraid or
                                                                                                      be dismayed, for the Lord
                                                                                                      your God is with you wher-
                                                                                                       ever you go.  Joshua 1:9

                My wish for you, Jennella:
                Happiness, sunshine
                & laughter to brighten
                your days.                                              Congratulations,
                Love and blessings to                                   Kristine!
                come your way.
                Well being and content-                                 We’re happy for you
                ment in all you do.
                Joy in your heart and                                   my girl. Continue
                all your dreams become                                  to trust in the Lord
                true.                                                   and remember that
                Remember, with God’s                                    we’re always here to
                strength, you can do                                    support you.
                Stay positive, stay strong.
                Psalm 121:5 - 8                                         Dad, Mom, Angelica
                Love always,                                            and Jubily
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