Page 13 - From the desk of HR April 2020
P. 13

Guide for users to navigate through iLearn

  iLearn is an on-demand Internet-hosted learning management solution. This quick guide

  has been developed to assist users with accessing iLearn and navigating through the

  application with ease. This reference tool is a high user overview of iLearn.

  1.  Open your browser, and access the URL provided below and enter the link in your


  2.  Enter your user name, which is your six digit associate ID number and your password. If

     you have not received, your system generated password or you have forgotten, click on

     “Forgot your        password”. The system will prompt you for your User Name (which is
     your six digit associate ID number) or your email address. Press enter. The system will

     populate the message below and you will receive your temporary password via email.

  3.  Please note passwords are case sensitive. Password minimum requirement settings is 6
     characters as follows: 1 Upper Case 1 Lower Case 1 Number 1 Punctuation (! # $ % ( ) *

     + , - ./ : ; = ? @ [ ]

  You can change your password and adjust your time zone. Adjusting your time zone will be

  an important step to take to ensure when enrolling for classes the class time is set to your
  locations time zone.

  If you have questions about how to use iLearn, please contact Sudi Guda at .
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