Page 9 - From the desk of HR April 2020
P. 9

Kids Council Introduction and Site Tour

     On Friday, March 13, 2020, the Kids Council visited our property for a site

     visit,    property tour and the introduction of the Kids Council class for the

     school year 2019 / 2020. The students were introduced my Raad van
     Kinderen representative Mrs. Mirla Passchier. Mirla provided a brief

     explanation about the Kids Council, its mission and the project the students

     are expected to work on this year.

     The students were then presented to General Manager, Mr. Joe Najjar who

 Feb. Energy Usage 529880   enlightened the class about our dilemma at La Cabana which is to eliminate

     the use of  plastic at our Resort and educate our guests and associates to do
     the same.

 No Donations in February
     The students were intrigued and took notes. They instantly started to ask

     questions and bring forward ideas. After the presentation they were taken
     on a property tour visiting the different departments while receiving a brief

     introduction of each area by the representing leaders.

     Finally, the visit wrapped with a quick snack provided by our dynamic Food

     & Beverage team and a introduction round where all participants including

     the school instructors and our Human Resources Representatives got the

     opportunity to reintroduce themselves and state their key strengths.
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