Page 14 - Observer December 2019
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BE A PART OF BEAU RIVAGE’S          – 9 p.m., Dec. 15­19.  Two complimentary pho­
         WINNING WONDERLAND                  tos with Santa are included with Buffet pur­  New Member Program 2019 – $30 to $500  crack the safe and start the New Year off with
         $500,000 GIVEAWAY                   chase.                               SlotPlay Guaranteed!                $10,000 CASH
         This winter wander out to Beau Rivage Resort &  SOUNDS OF THE SEASON LOCAL  •All guests who sign up for a new Rewards  •Earn 1 entry for every 10 points starting De­
         Casino Sunday, Nov. 3 – Saturday, Dec. 28 for the  CHORAL GROUPS DEC. 18­22  Card will receive $5 SlotPlay and are eligible  cember 7th.
         opportunity to win a share of the Winning Won­  The sounds of the season echo through the  for this promotion.  •5X entries on Thursdays, 20X entries on New
         derland $500,000 Giveaway. For every 100 slot  atrium Dec. 18­22 with live performances by  •Guests must swipe in at any Rewards Kiosk to  Year’s Eve.
         points or table games equivalent accumulated dur­  local choral groups as they greet visitors and  claim their $5 SlotPlay or earn more points to
         ing the promotional period participants earn one  bring that extra holiday spirit to Beau Rivage  receive more SlotPlay.  Weekly Wager
         virtual drawing entry. Participants can win up to  from 5­6 p.m. nightly. Scheduled groups:  •All guests are guaranteed $30 and can earn up  •Every Tuesday in December be one of two
         $750 in FREEPLAY® or TABLEPLAY® every  Wednesday, Dec. 18 Lynn Meadows Discov­  to $500.                     players to win $100 mycash or other great
         Thursday and Saturday at 5 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.  ery Center, Thursday, Dec. 19 Gulfport High  •New members can earn up to $125 on the first  prizes!
         on the casino floor. On Saturday, Dec. 28, 10 win­  School Madrigals, Friday, Dec. 19 through  trip, $150 on the second trip and up to $225 on  •Place a bet at the Sportsbook receive entries
         ners will be drawn each hour at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.  Sunday, Dec. 22 Gulf Coast Messiah Chorus.   the 3rd trip for a total of $500!  equal to the dollar amount of wagers made. There
         on Saturday, Dec. 28 will win $2,500 in                                                                      is no limit to the amount of entries you can earn!
         FREEPLAY® or TABLEPLAY®. Grand prize  TAP BOOK BAR & BISTREAUX           Play & Eat                          •Each qualifying bet is an entry.
         drawing at 9 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 28 will win  TAP Book Bar & Bistreaux is buzzing with  •3am­Midnight        Pigskin Payoff
         $5,000 in FREEPLAY® or TABLEPLAY® and  Monday Night Football specials including:  •Play and Eat is back with even more options  •Every Tuesday in December guests will have
         one lucky winner will win a 2020 Lexus RC F.  •Meet and greet opportunities with Saints Hall  than before! Earn and eat at your favorite  their chance to win $500 SlotPlay.
         Participants must activate electronic entries on  of Famer Rickey Jackson Monday, Dec. 16, one  Boomtown food outlets.  •Anytime between Tuesday and Sunday, players
         each drawing day between 10 a.m. and 8:50 p.m.  hour prior to the game. Jackson is a six­time pro  •25 points for Pho boy, 50 points for The Sta­  can choose their professional football game picks.
         to be entered in the drawing.       bowler, and went all­pro four times and held  dium, 75 points for a regular buffet or 150
                                             seven team records at the time of his retirement  points for a seafood buffet.  •No point earning necessary. Simply swipe at
           HOLIDAYS AT BEAU RIVAGE EM­       from the New Orleans Saints in 1993.  •Offer can only be redeemed on the day earned.   the kiosk and pick your teams.
                                                                                                                      •At the conclusion of the professional football
          BRACE THE MAGIC OF THE SEASON      •Every Monday night TAP offers brand pro­  $45,000 Trim the Tree Giveaway  regular season, the top 3 guests with the most
         Across the Gulf South, the holidays have be­  motions including the chance to win Yeti cool­  •Saturday, December 7   5pm­9pm  total correct picks will win $2,000, $1,500 &
         come synonymous with Beau Rivage Resort &  ers and other items.          •Be one of 100 winners to win up to $10,000  $1,000 SlotPlay!
         Casino and its whimsical winter wonderland,  TAP Book Bar & Bistreaux has fans covered  CASH.
         exquisite shopping, holiday entertainment and  for all the regular season action, including  •Earn 1 entry for every 10 points beginning No­  $2,000 Kiosk Game
         visits from Santa Claus himself.    Thanksgiving. TAP is offering a Touchdown  vember 2nd                    •Tuesdays & Thursdays in December
            Now through Jan. 6 the South’s premier resort  Feast for $24 that includes: cajun smoked  •5x entries on Thursdays and 20x entries on De­  •9am­Midnight
         destination has transformed into an enchanted holi­  turkey, home­style cornbread dressing, collard  cember 7th  •Earn 30 points and play the kiosk game for
         day experience with spectacular twinkling displays...  greens with andouille sausage, roasted garlic         your chance to win up to $2,000 in SlotPlay!
         SECOND ANNUAL  BRUNCH  WITH         mashed potatoes, sweet potato souffle with  2X Tier Point Mondays        •Just swipe at the kiosk to play.
         SANTA SUNDAY, DEC. 8                brown sugar & pecan streusel, cranberry sauce  •Mondays in December   3am­Midnight
         BR Prime hosts the newest Christmas tradition  and cajun giblet gravy. Enjoy the feast with one  •Swipe at any kiosk to earn 2X tier points every  Wild Bunch Seniors Club
         at Beau Rivage, Brunch with Santa on Sunday,  of the specially crafted holiday libations:  Monday in December.  •Mondays and Wednesdays in December (Ex­
         Dec. 8 from 9:30 a.m. ­2 p.m. Santa and friends  •Autumn Sideline Cider – Jim Beam Apple                     cludes Holidays)   9am­3pm
         invite children of all ages to an upscale brunch  Bourbon, homemade apple cider, cinnamon  Up to 100x mycash  •mychoice members 50+ can earn 10 points to
         in an intimate setting, providing a unique back­  sticks, orange & star anise… $11  •Sundays in December   3am­Midnight  get $5 in SlotPlay. Earn another 10 points for
         drop for special moments with Santa. Each  •Harvest Fumble Manhattan – Infused Cran­  •Swipe at the kiosk and play the multiplier game for  an additional $5 in SlotPlay from 9am until
         child receives a keepsake gift and commemo­  berry Orange Wild Turkey 81 Whiskey, sweet  your chance to win between 2x and 100x mycash!  3pm. Plus ½ off lunch buffet.
         rative photo with Santa. The price is $55 per  Vermouth, fresh orange, cranberries…$13  •Multiplier won will be applied to all mycash
         person, $25 for children 3­12, children two and  •Red Zone Sparkler – La Marca Prosecco, fresh  earned that day.  BOOMTOWN BUFFET­
         under eat free. Reservations are required and  cranberries and lime wedge…$10                                Sunday & Thursday: Surf and Turf ­ Featur­
         may be placed by calling 888.952.2582.  TOPGOLF SWING SUITE & BLACK      BOGO Comp Buffet                    ing All­You­Can­Eat steamed whole Lobster,
         THE NUTCRACKER BALLET SUN, DEC. 8   CLOVER LOUNGE NOW OPEN               •Tuesdays and Thursdays in December  Char­grilled steaks, Boiled shrimp, whole fried
         Following Brunch with Santa, the Mississippi  A new age of virtual entertainment tees off in  •Use your mycash to buy a buffet and get a buf­  fish, creamy crab lasagna, easy peal shrimp
         Gulf Coast Ballet Theatre graces the stage of  Coastal Mississippi with Beau Rivage Resort  fet for a friend for FREE!  cocktail, and so much more! $29.99* price re­
         Beau Rivage Theatre for its 10th annual pres­  & Casino's Topgolf Swing Suite and Black  •Valid Lunch and Dinner  flect $2 Rewards Card discount
         entation of The Nutcracker Ballet for two                                                                    Friday and Saturday: Crab Buffet ­ Featuring
                                             Clover Lounge.                       •Offer cannot be combined with other promo­
         shows, Dec. 8 at 3 and 7 p.m.          Guests of MGM Resorts International’s  tions (i.e. Play and Eat)      unlimited Lobster and Crab plus all your fa­
         HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE DEC. 10­14       beachfront resort can make socializing a sport  •Excludes Holidays.  Not valid for To­Go orders.   vorites. $32.99*
         Beau Rivage’s annual Holiday Open House is  with interactive games, chef­inspired dishes                     Christmas Feast featuring AYCE Crab &
         the perfect time to shop for unique gifts and  and signature cocktails backed by a full­service  Santa’s Sweet Shop Scratch  Lobster All­Day $34.99 / 32.99 w/ mychoice
         meet more than a dozen artisans and vendors,
                                             bar. Beau Rivage’s new entertainment experi­  •Saturday, December 14   4pm­9pm  Rewards Card – December 25, 2019
         Dec. 10­14 from 11 a.m.­ 6 p.m. in the Beau  ence combines Topgolf Swing Suite’s next­gen  •Earn 60 points for your chance to scratch off
         Rivage retail promenade and on the resort’s  simulator virtual games with signature cock­  up to $1,000 in SlotPlay.  NYE Champagne Lunch & Dinner featuring
         second floor. Select stores will offer guests free  tails, shareable menu items.  •Plus! Enter your scratch card for a chance to be  AYCE Crab & Lobster $34.99 / 32.99 w/ my­
         gifts with purchase, while supplies last.  The Black Clover Lounge is a refreshing ad­  1 of 20 winners to receive $150 SlotPlay at 9pm!  choice Rewards Card (Complimentary glass of
         PICTURES  WITH SANTA IN THE BUF­                                                                             champagne to 21 or older guest) – Dec 31, 2019
                                             dition to Beau Rivage’s product offering and
         FET DEC. 15­19                      features a selection of specialty drinks and eats,  $20,000 Safe Cracker Sweepstakes
         Capture memories and enjoy a holiday meal  as well as shopping opportunities in an intimate  •Tuesday, December 31st – NYE   8pm­11pm  New Year’s Day Crab & Lobster Feast All­
                                                                                                                      Day $34.99 / 32.99 w/ mychoice Rewards Card
         with Pictures with Santa in The Buffet from 5  setting.                  •1 winner every 10 minutes will get a chance to   – January 1st, 2019
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