Page 18 - Observer December 2019
P. 18

•Slot Players must be  Pigskin Payoff                   tizer, Soup du jour or house salad, and choice of
                                                 actively playing and Table Games players  •September 3 – December 28.  10oz pan seared ribeye steak, herb roasted fin­
                                                 must have an active rating with players  •mychoice card holders may swipe at a kiosk  gerling potatoes, roasted mushroom demi or Crab
                                                loyalty card to be eligible for Hot Seat  once weekly Tuesday – Saturday to choose the  duo including deep fried softshell crab, crab cake,
                                               Drawings.                         pro football game picks for select Sunday and  creole risotto, remoulade sauce, scallion aioli
                                                •Poker excluded from Hot Seats.  Monday games.                        •Sundays on the Bay ­ New menu featuring
                                                                                 •If a guest picks all games correctly, they win  seafood appetizers, grilled sausage and cheese
                                             $2,000 Kiosk Games                  $5,000 SlotPlay.  Prize will be split between  platters.  Entrees starting at $13.  Steak and
         New Member Program 2019­            •Swipe and win up to $2,000 SlotPlay  multiple winners.                  Shrimp Scampi, Beef & Mushroom pasta, and
         Guaranteed $30 up to $500 SlotPlay  •Every Tuesday and Thursday   3am­11pm  •In the event that no one picks all games cor­  Herb­crusted chicken.
         •All guests who sign up for a new mychoice®  •Earn 30 points to play and swipe to win!  rectly, the guest with most correct picks wins  •Thanksgiving 3­Course Dinner­ $35 per per­
         account are eligible for the promotion.
                                                                                 $500 SlotPlay.                       son. Choice of Herb Roasted Turkey and Glazed
         •Patrons who sign up for a new mychoice® ac­  $15,000 Jingle All The Way Slot Tournament  •Tie breaker will be designated weekly game  Ham OR Cajun Roasted Prime Rib. Plus, choice
         count will receive Free SlotPlay® on their first trip.  •Friday, December 20   6pm­9pm  combined score.      of soup or salad, sides and dessert! Reservations
         •Guests can earn additional Free SlotPlay based  •Win your share of $15K SlotPlay!  •At the conclusion of regular season, top 3 over­  required. Call 228­466­8023
         on points earned while playing in the Casino.  •Top prize $3,000 Free SlotPlay  all will win share of $4,500 SlotPlay.
                                             •Earn 100 points & print a ticket at a kiosk to play.                    Epic Buffet
         $300,000 Touchdown Toss Giveaway    •Earn points 3AM­9PM.               •SlotPlay valid for 30 days. Check your my­  •Monday & Wednesday: Steak Night–$20.99
         •Final Drawing December 28          •SlotPlay valid for 30 days.        choice account to see if you won.    •Thu: Oyster & Local Catch  –$26.99
         •5:00pm­9:00pm                                                          Sportsbook at Hollywood Casino Weekly  •Sunday: Ribeye Steak and Shrimp Dinner Buf­
         •Winner’s roll the GIANT DICE to win up to  2x Tier Point Multiplier
                                                                                 Wager & Win                          fet (4pm­9pm)­ $27.99. Cooked to order steaks
         $100,000 CASH!                      •Saturday, December 21, 2019        •Now through December 31.            with baked potato and all your buffet favorites.
         •9:00PM ­ Grand Prize drawing winner each  •Receive 2X Tier Points 3am – Midnight
                                                                                 •After placing a minimum of $5 bet in a single trans­  $2 discount for Marquee Reward cardholders.
         night guaranteed $10.000 CASH!      •Swipe at a kiosk to participate.   action, guests who present a mychoice card will re­  No crab legs available..
         •1 winner every 30 minutes rolls the dice to win  •Multiplier applied within 24 hours.  ceive an electronic entry into a weekly drawing.  AYCE Lobster, Crab and Steak Buffet
         Free SlotPlay and up to $100,000 Cash each night.                       •Two winners each Tuesday for $100 mycash.  •Friday and Saturday­ 4:00pm until 10:00pm
         •Hot Seats­ everyone in action at the slot bank or  mychoice mybuffet                                        Dungeness/Snow Crabs, Lobster and Steaks
         tables wins!                        •Now through December 31            Bogart’s Steakhouse                  $34.99 ($32.99 with Marquee Rewards card)
         •50x Entries each drawing day!      •Earn 75 points to get a FREE classic lunch or  •Dinner for 2 $39.99 on  Wednesdays and  Sunday Crab Champagne Brunch
         •Entries carry over to each drawing.  midweek dinner buffet.            Thursdays 5pm­9pm. Choice of soup or wedge  •Sunday­ 11:00am until 3:00pm
         •Earn entries September 29 through December 28  •Or 150 points to get a FREE lobster, crab or  salad. Cajun­roasted prime rib with horseradish  Snow Crabs, Lobster and Steaks $34.99 ($32.99
         •One entry for every 10 base points or table  steak buffet, or Holiday Buffet.  cream au jus  and whipped potatoes, pan­seared  with Marquee Rewards card)
         games equivalent.                   •Stop by any kiosk on the same day to print your  bass or blackened chicken pasta.  Christmas Day ­ $34.99 10:30am – 9:00pm
         •Activate entries after 3:00pm at a kiosk each  coupon. Non­transferable. Limit one per day.  •Friday Night Special­ $40 per person. Three­  Buffet NYE Buffet ­ $34.99   4pm­10pm
         drawing day.                        Tickets valid only on the day of printing.  course Dinner  Featuring Garlic Shrimp appe­

                                             Prizes include large TV packages, Tiffany &  earned. Guests who earn 125 Tier Credits will  “Lucky Money Bac” Drawings. B Connected
                                             Co.® gifts, deluxe watches and even a chance  receive an electric can opener. Guests earning  members will receive one entry for every two
                                             to win one of five brand new cars, including a  250 Tier Credits can receive an electric can  hours of playing Mini Baccarat or Midi Baccarat
                                             Chevy®, Nissan®, Volkswagen®, Infiniti® or  opener and an air fryer and for those who earn  from 4 a.m. on Mondays through 8 p.m. on Sun­
                                             Mercedes­Benz® car. For complete details, visit  500 Tier Credits, guests can receive an electric  days, starting Sunday, Dec. 2 through Sunday, Jan.
                                             B Connected.                        can opener, an air fryer and an instapot. While  25. Guests can win their share of $20,000 in promo
                                                                                 supplies last; limit of one gift item can be earned  chips. Drawings will take place at the host desk at
                                             “$60,000 Funky Monkey” B Rewards Drawings  per promotional day. B Connected members can  8 p.m. Four winners will be drawn for $250 in
                                             Dec. 6­7                            print out their “Kitchen Komfort” giveaway  promo chips each Sunday. The final drawing will
                                             Guests can win big during the “$60,000 Funky  vouchers Friday, Dec. 6 and Saturday, Dec. 7  take place on Sunday, Dec. 1 at 8:30 p.m. where
                                             Monkey” B Rewards Drawing, offering B Con­  from 2 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. at any B Connected  twelve winners will win $1,000 in promo chips.
                                             nected members a chance to win a share of up to  kiosk. Guests can pick up their gift from
         “$150,000 12 Days of Winnings” Giveaway  $60,000 in B Rewards. Guests can earn one  3:30p.m. – 8 p.m. at the events desk. Fifteen  “Monday Night Loot” Cash Drawings
         Dec. 1 – Dec 31                     entry for every five Tier Credits earned by play­  drawings for a deluxe kitchen set will take place  Mondays  Through Dec 30
         Visitors can play their favorite slots, table games  ing their favorite slots, table games and video  on Friday, Dec. 6 and Saturday, Dec. 7 at 10  Guests won’t want to miss out on the “Monday
         or video poker, and win their share of $150,000  poker from 4 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 6 until 11  p.m. in the Cove.  Night Loot” Cash Drawing. B Connected mem­
         in prizes and B Rewards during the “$150,000 12  p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7.                                   bers will have the chance to win a share of up to
         Days of Winnings Giveaway!” B Connected  B Connected members can check­in for the  “Gadget Madness Gift Giveaway” Drawings  $105,000 in cash. Guests can earn one entry for
         members will receive one entry for every five  drawings on Friday, Dec. 6 and Saturday, Dec.  Dec. 13­14     every ten Tier Credits earned by playing their fa­
         Tier Credits earned from Sunday, Dec. 1 at 4 a.m.  7 from 3 p.m. – 10:45 p.m. Drawings take place  B Connected members can win great prizes dur­  vorite slots, table games and video poker from 4
         through Wednesday, Jan. 1 at 1 a.m. Guests can  in the Cove from 5 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and then  ing the “Gadget Madness Gift Giveaway”  a.m. until 9 p.m. on Mondays, Aug. 12 through
         receive 120x entries on Friday Dec. 20; 110x en­  again from 10 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. where one win­  Drawings. B Connected members can earn one  Dec. 30.  All B Connected members can check in
         tries on Saturday,  Dec. 21; 100x entries on Sun­  ner will be drawn every 30 minutes to win up to  entry for every five Tier Credits earned from 4  at any kiosk from 6 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. Drawings
         day, Dec. 22; 90x entries on Monday, Dec. 23;  $3,000 in B Rewards. The final drawing will  a.m. on Friday, Dec. 13 until 11 p.m. on Satur­  take place in the Cove at 9 p.m. on Mondays, Aug.
         80x entries on Tuesday, Dec. 24; 70x entries on  take place at 11 p.m. where one winner will win  day, Dec. 14.  B Connected members can check  12 – Dec. 30.  A total of 20 winners will be drawn
         Wednesday, Dec. 25; 60x entries on Thursday,  $5,000 in B Rewards.      in for the “Gadget Madness Gift Giveaway” Fri­  to win $250 in cash.
         Dec. 26; 50x entries on Friday, Dec. 27; 40x en­                        day, Dec. 13 and Saturday, Dec. 14 from 5 p.m.
         tries on Saturday, Dec. 28; 30x entries on Sun­  “Kitchen Komforts” Giveaway and Drawing  – 10:45 p.m. at any B Connected kiosk. Draw­  “Strike the Right Chord” Kiosk Game
         day, Dec. 29; 20x entries on Mondays, Dec. 30  Dec. 6­7                 ings for a variety of great gadgets will take place  Thursday Dec. 5, Dec. 12 and Dec. 19
         and 10x entries on Tuesday, Dec. 31.  B Connected members can elevate their culinary  on Friday, Dec. 13 and Saturday, Dec. 14 at 7  B Connected members can play the “Strike the
          Players can check in at any kiosk starting Fri­  talents by winning in the “Kitchen Komfort”  p.m. – 11 p.m. in the Cove where one winner  Right Chord” Kiosk Game to win their share of
         day, Dec. 20 at 2 p.m. through Tuesday, Dec. 31  Giveaway and Drawing. B Connected members  will be drawn every hour.  $2,500 in B Rewards. Guests must earn 50 Tier
         at 9:45 p.m. to be one of the winners drawn each  will receive one entry for every one Tier Credit           Credits on Thursdays, Dec. 5, Dec. 12, and Dec.
         day for giveaways. Drawings will take place  earned from 4 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 6 through 10  Lucky Money Bac Drawings  19 from 4 a.m. to 10 a.m. to be eligible. Guests
         daily at 10 p.m. and the grand prize drawing will  p.m. on Saturday, Dec 7. Guests can receive one  Sundays Dec. 2­Jan. 25  can play the kiosk game from 12 p.m. – 10 p.m.
         take place at 1 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 1.   of 30 deluxe kitchen sets based on entries  B Connected members won’t want to miss the   on Thursdays, Dec. 5, Dec. 12 and Dec. 19.
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