Page 28 - Observer December 2019
P. 28

at the Frank G. Gruich Center, 591 Howard
                                                 Avenue, travel west on Howard Avenue,
                                                 through the Vieux Marche, turn south on
                                                 Reynoir, east on Jackson, south on Lameuse
                                                 Street and end at the Town Green.      CHRISTMAS PARADE
                                                 Celebrate Christmas with holiday festivities
                                                                                      SUGAR PLUM SATURDAY
                                                 on the Town Green from 6:30 to 8pm. This
                                                                                   The Sugar Plum Saturday fun begins down­
                                                 free event will feature the lighting of the
                                                                                   town at 3pm until the Christmas Parade rolls  December 8­30
                                                 Christmas Tree, Santa Claus giving away
                    Through December 31          goodies and hot chocolate will be available  out (6pm). The FREE event is held in the park  KING'S CHRISTMAS DISPLAY
                    ANNUAL SNOWFLAKES            while event goers decorate the Christmas Tree.  of the Hancock Whitney Bank on 14th Street  Many of the original pieces from moms 1st
                                                                                   downtown Gulfport. Visit with Santa, create  Nativity scene in 1956 are on display.  Some
                         IN THE BAY
                                                                                   memories in the "Elf" photo booth, decorate  display items have come and gone over the
                 Downtown Bay St. Louis & Depot Row,
                                                                                   ginger bread cookies, free face painting, rein­  years, but new items have been added.
                          Bay St. Louis
                                                                                   deer games and so much more! Be sure to join  Come visit Pooh and friends in 100 Acre
                Beautiful century year old Live Oaks glori­                        us for an afternoon of fun then stay for the
                ously lit with snowflakes make the area a mag­                     Harbor Lights Christmas Parade that will pass  Woods.  Let visions of Sugar Plums dance
                ical coastal wonderland! Bring the camera as                                                        in your head, and make a wish in Snow
                                                                                   right in front of the event!     White's wishing well.  The King's Christmas
                you walk the Depot District landscaped with a
                                                                                                                    Display will AS ALWAYS, be FREE to the
                quaint duck pond surrounded by walking
                                                            ANNUAL                                                  public, open on the 2nd Saturday of Decem­
                paths and art sculptures created by local artists.
       ­  CHRISTMAS IN THE PASS                                         ber and hours will remain 6­10pm nightly.
                         sAndSugarplums/         Located in Downtown Pass Christian, join                           Complimentary coffee will still be served to
                                                 the merriment featuring Santa, Mrs. Claus,  December 14            the adults and candy canes for all little ones.
                                                 and their elves, as well as food, arts, and  CHRISTMAS ON THE BAYOU  Santa will be visiting on Saturdays and Sun­
                                                 gifts. The event will also include a Christ­  Harper McCaughan Town Green  days before Christmas.  All of these are tra­
                                                 mas tree lighting and parade brought to you  301 Jeff Davis Avenue, Long Beach, MS  ditions started by mom.
                                                 by Pass Christian Main Street. 5p­9p  Christmas On The Bayou is a unique event
                                                                                   because not only do the boats decorate and
                                                                                   participate in the lighted parade but the wa­
                                                                                   terfront houses also compete to be named
                                                                                   the Parade Captain's Best House on the
                    Through December 31                                            Bayou and serve as parade judges. Com­
                     GULFPORT HARBOR                                               pletely organized and presented by neigh­
                  LIGHTS WINTER FESTIVAL                                           borhood volunteers and community donors,
                                                                                   COTB embodies the Christmas spirit for all.
                  Jones Park, Highway 90, Gulfport         December 7                                               CHRISTMAS IN THE 'BOUFFA
                This spectacular light show features over                          Christmas On The Bayou is the only water­
                                                  ANNUAL CHRISTMAS ON THE          front parade in Gulfport and gives everyone  LIGHTED BOAT PARADE
                1,200,000 lights across Jones Park and is being
                presented as a walking tour OR aboard a free  WATER BOAT PARADE    an up close and personal view of the boats  Your Mama'z House,
                                                                                                                          12056 Cedar Lake , Biloxi, MS
                heated trolley. Participants will be able to visit  Join in on a community­wide celebration that  with public viewing at three Gulfport boat  A lighted boat parade and Christmas party
                with Santa in Santa’s Village every night, take  offers something for all ages and all interests.  launches/parks, and several   featuring Ugly Sweater
                pictures at any of the Elfie Selfie stations located  Boats parade in full holiday décor, with a fire­  waterfront restaurants. Parade
                throughout the park and enjoy hot chocolate,  works show after the parade. Best parade  is set to roll at 6pm  HoHo Karaoke Contest,
                marshmallows, and concession items available  viewing locations: between the Biloxi Small  live music by Last Call
                                                                                                                        Rodeo (7­11pm)  and Come
                for purchase. 5:30­9:30pm & the show ends at  Craft Harbor and Casino Row, or between the              see Santa arrive by
                10:30pm (weather permitting) Price: Adult $10,  Biloxi Lighthouse and Beau Rivage Resort &               Jet Ski with
                children (5­12) $5, under 4 free  Casino. Parade starts at 6p. Fireworks imme­
          diately following.                                                    photo ops
                                                                                                                               for the kids of
                                                                                                                             all ages from 6p­8p.
                                                                                     CHRISTMAS ON
                                                                                                                             Veterans and
                                                                                       THE AVENUE
                                                                                   Harper McCaughan Town Green
                                                                                   301 Jeff Davis Avenue, Long Beach, MS
                                                                                   Bring the whole family to shop, eat, or just
                                                                                   sit and relax as arts and craft vendors gather
                                                                                   on the Harper McCaughan Town Green to
                                                       ANNUAL SEA SANTA
                                                                                   kick off the Christmas season. Enjoy live
                                                        SAIL­A­BRATION                                              Military members
                                                                                   music performances, food booths and much
                         December 6              Sea the 6th annual Waterless Boat Parade  more. Eat a pancake breakfast with Santa,  will be recognized
                                                 starting at 5:45pm with festivities at the Town                    and appreciated!
                ANNUAL CHILDREN'S CHRIST­                                          and feed the "reindeer" And don't leave  Parade departs
                                                 Green following the parade. Tree Lighting *  without taking a memorable photo with
                MAS PARADE & CHRISTMAS ON                                                                           at dusk in front
                                                 Snow * Live Music * Santa * Awards *  Santa.
                      THE TOWN GREEN             More.  Entertainment will be provided by DJ                        of Your Mama'z
                The annual parade features kindergarten to 4th  Jason Rhodes of Premier Sounds. Human  9am­5pm, Santa breakfast 8am­11am  House and goes up the
                                                                                   Price: Free admission, Breakfast with Santa
                grade age children riding in hay wagons to cel­  Snow Globe * Game Trailer * Best of Fleet  $5 adults, $3 children  river then returns for judging/
                ebrate Christmas. The parade will start at 6pm  Cash Awards.  5:45p                                 viewing at 7:30pm.

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