Page 44 - Observer December 2019
P. 44

READY                                       The Lord's Light Within                                    What Christmas Is
                                                                         © By M.S.Lowndes                                        All About
             FOR CHRISTMAS                       Lord we reflect with thankful hearts  The beautiful reflection of your grace
                                                    On the wonder of your birth        And the wonder of your majesty           © By M.S.Lowndes
         "Ready for Christmas," she said with a sigh,  The love you expressed when you left
         As she gave a last touch to the gifts piled high.  Your glory to come to earth  For as your life indwells our hearts  Christmas will always be for us
           Then wearily sat for a moment and read                                      We can shine wherever we are           A time to reflect on Christ
                  Till soon, very soon,          For your life was like a beacon, Lord  And arise to take hold of each new day  The gift God gave to all the world
                she was nodding her head.           Shining brightly in the night     With your light ablaze in our hearts     Was the gift of His life
                                                Filling the world with the radiance of
           Then quietly spoke a voice in her dream!  The Father’s glorious light     So rekindle the flame within us Lord  We know Christmas is not about tinsel
          "Ready for Christmas!  What do you Mean?                                      So it will not flicker nor dim       Nor fancy Christmas wreaths
                  When only last week             And we, too, long to have inside    Ignite us with the light of your love  Nor is it about all the decorations
                You wouldn't acknowledge            Your light for others to see       So you will shine brightly within    That adorns our Christmas trees
                your friend on the street."
        "Ready for Christmas, while holding a grudge!              Don't Forget Jesus                                     And it’s not about Holly or Mistletoe
           Perhaps you better let God be the judge.                      © By M.S.Lowndes                                     Hanging from our doors
         Why, how can the Christ child come and abide                                                                     Nor is it about the gifts that are left
         In a heart that is selfish and filled with pride?"  Christmas is a special time  We lose sight of the true meaning   By the jolly Santa Claus
                                                     To reflect on Jesus Christ          As we endlessly rush about
           "Ready for Christmas, when only today   The wonder of His lowly birth        Trying to find that perfect gift   Christmas is more than all of this
                                                                                                                              And the only reason why
         A beggar lad came and you turned him away  Brings meaning to our lives        Seems to cloud our Saviour out
         Without even a smile to show that you cared!                                                                     We celebrate Christ’s birth together
         So little he asked, he could have been spared."  There really is no other reason  We need to stop and reflect awhile  And the wonder of His life
                                                      We celebrate this day            Remembering our precious Lord
                 "Ready for Christmas!            The birth of God’s precious son      His birth, His life and sacrifice    So remember as you celebrate
                                                                                                                               Just what it’s all about
                You've worked, it is true,         And the life He willingly gave        And all that He stands for
                 But just doing the things                                                                                And invite the Lord to join with you
                 that you wanted to do."          But so much seems to distract us    For though the world may celebrate     Instead of leaving Him out
                                                    In the busy­ness of our lives      It seems though for other reasons
          "Ready for Christmas, your circle's to small.  We lose our focus in all the happenings  Let’s keep in mind that Jesus Christ  For He will always be the reason
                                                                                                                               We celebrate this day
         Why, you are not ready for Christmas at all."  Not knowing, we leave out Christ  Is the true meaning of the season
                                                                                                                           No substitute the world may offer
          She awoke with a start, and a cry of despair.    The True Meaning Of Christmas                                     Can take that meaning away
         "There's so little time, and I've still to prepare!
                                                                         © By M.S.Lowndes                                 For unto you is born this day
         Oh, Father, forgive me, I see what you mean;  Jesus Christ was born this day   A plan that reconciles us back        in the city of David
                   To be ready means                  So many years before               To our loving Father God      a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
              more than a house swept clean."       He came a servant to the lost     Bringing hope and redemption from  And this shall be a sign unto you;
                                                   Though he was Lord of Lords             Sins ruling iron rod
         "Yes, more that the giving of gifts and a tree,                                                                Ye shall find the babe wrapped in
         It's the heart swept clean that he wants to see,  We celebrate this joyous time  For this is the only reason that we  swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
           A heart that is free from bitterness, sin,  Reflecting on His birth           Should celebrate this day      And suddenly there was with the
                                                 Not born in a mansion, but a stable  To become focused on anything else
                                                                                                                        angel a multitude of the heavenly
         Ready for Christmas                          As if He had no worth             Would take the meaning away      host praising God, and saying,

             means ready for                       He came so He could identify       So let’s arise with joy in our hearts  Glory to God in the highest,
                                                   With the human heart of man           And share it with everyone           and on earth peace,
                    Him!"                          And gave His life as a sacrifice  The meaning of Christmas will always be  good will toward men.~ Luke 2:11­14
                                                      Offering a better plan            The birth of Jesus – God’s son

          FAITH is simply believing what God says rather than what you see or feel here in this natural realm.
                                    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not see. ­Hebrews 11:1

                                           While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen:
                                    for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.  ­2Corinthians 4:18
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