Page 45 - Observer December 2019
P. 45

•1/2 pound sliced baby portobello (cremini)   Ingredients
                                              mushrooms                           •1 tablespoon butter, softened
                                             •4 ounces Brie cheese, sliced        •1­1/2 cups uncooked orzo pasta
                                             •Chopped fresh chives, optional      •1­1/2 cups (6 ounces) shredded fontina cheese
                                                                                  •1/2 cup chopped roasted sweet red peppers
                                             Directions                           •1/2 cup sliced ripe olives, drained
                                             •Scrub and pierce potatoes. Rub potato skins  •2 eggs
           With Christmas just around the corner, we  with oil; sprinkle with salt. Bake at 400° for 50­  •1­1/2 cups whole milk
        thought we’d share some recipies that you might  60 minutes or until tender.  •1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
        not have tried before, but will soon become a  • In a large skillet, cook bacon over medium
        feast favorite at your Christmas table.  heat until crisp. Remove to paper towels with a  Instructions
                                             slotted spoon; drain, reserving 2 tablespoons  •Grease six 10­oz. ramekins or custard cups with
                                             drippings. Saute mushrooms in the drippings.  butter; set aside.
                                             • Cut a 2­in. "X" in tops of potatoes; insert  •  Cook orzo according to package directions;  •5 eggs
                                                                                                                      •5 egg yolks
                                             cheese slices. Top with mushrooms, bacon and  drain. In a large bowl, combine the orzo, cheese,
                                                                                                                      •3 cups heavy whipping cream
                                             chives. Yield: 4 servings.           peppers and olives. Spoon into prepared ramekins.
                                                                                  • In another bowl, whisk the eggs, milk and nut­  •1 teaspoon salt
                                                                                  meg; pour over orzo mixture. Place ramekins on  •1/2 teaspoon pepper
                                                                                  a baking sheet.
                                                                                  • Bake at 350° for 25­30 minutes or until a ther­
                                                                                                                      •In a small skillet over medium heat, melt butter.
                                                                                  mometer inserted near the center reads 160°.
                                                                                  Yield: 6 servings.                  Add onion; cook and stir until softened. Reduce
                                                                                                                      heat to medium­low; cook, stirring occasionally,
                                                                                    Blue Cheese Bread Pudding         for 20 minutes or until onion is golden brown.
                                                                                                                      Add garlic; cook 2 minutes longer.
                                                                                  You can play with the flavor of this recipe by
                                                                                  changing the type of blue cheese you use—from  • Place half of the bread in a greased 13­in. x 9­
          Bacon, Cremini & Brie Potatoes                                                                              in. baking dish. Layer with onion mixture and
                                                                                  sharp Stilton to saltier Gorgonzola. Prep: 30
          This version of an ultimate baked potato. Rich                          min. + standing Bake: 40 min. + standing Yield:  half of blue cheese. Top with remaining bread
        brie, crispy bacon and cremini mushrooms trans­                                                               and blue cheese.
                                                                                  12 Servings
        form the humble baked potato into something re­                                                                • In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, egg yolks,
        ally special.  Prep: 10 min. Bake: 50 min. Yield:                         Ingredients                         cream, salt and pepper. Pour over bread; let
        4 Servings                                  Baked Fontina Orzo            •1/4 cup butter, cubed              stand for 15 minutes or until bread is softened.
                                                The pasta orzo makes a nice alternative to  •1 medium onion, chopped  • Bake, uncovered, at 375° for 40­45 minutes or
        Ingredients                          rice. If you like, use 1/2 cup blanched, diced as­                       until a knife inserted near the center comes out
        •4 medium potatoes                                                        •3 garlic cloves, minced
                                             paragus for the roasted peppers.  Prep: 20 min.                          clean. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
        •4 teaspoons olive oil                                                    •2 French bread baguettes (10­1/2 ounces each),
                                             Bake: 25 min.  Yield: 6 Servings                                         Serve warm. Yield: 12 servings.
        •1/2 teaspoon salt                                                        cut into 1­inch cubes
        •6 bacon strips, chopped                                                  •4 cups (16 ounces) crumbled blue cheese

                                                                                                                      floral sprig, scrap holiday ribbon, hot glue gun,
                                                                                                                      glue sticks.
                                             What You’ll Need: 1 sheet of tin foil, ribbon or                         How It’s Done:
                                             paper strip                                                              1. Apply the gold paint to the stamp using a
                                             How It’s Done: Set the gift on center of the                             foam paintbrush. Stamp into the center of the
                                             sheet of tin foil and draw the sides up and pull                         bag. Repeat until you’ve reached the edges of
                                             the ends together at the top. Using the ribbon,                          the bag. Allow to dry.
                    Tin Foil­                make a bow to tie the ends together.                                     2. Dip the flat paintbrush into peach paint, tap
                                             Bonus Tip: To sweeten up this project skip the                           off the excess paint until you have a near dry
         Not Just For Sandwiches and TV Antennas
                                             bow and instead slip a strip of white paper in the                       brush. Working quickly, paint a light topcoat
        This material is the perfect fix for those odd­shaped                     How It’s Done:
                                             top. Ta­da. You've got a hersehy kiss and the                            over the stamped design.
        presents, since it can be manipulated to hug what­  paper strip will serve as your gift tag.  1.Wrap the gift in tissue paper.   3. Hot glue velvet ribbon across the top and at­
        ever item you cover in it. Or even wrap your boxed                        2. Cut the zipper off of the plastic bag.   tach the remaining ribbon and floral sprig to the
        gifts with this reflective foil for an eye­catching                       3. Insert wrapped gift into the bag, along with         handle.
        shine reminscent of Christmas tree tinsel.  A Fresh New Use for Your      the decorative items you’ve selected (ie.
                                                                                                                                          Bonus Tip:  You
                                                       Ziploc Bags                pinecones, strips of ribbon, etc.                       could also spruce
                                                                                  4. Tie the bag closed using the ribbon.
                                             A simple plastic bag and some festive trimmings                                              up any plain gift
                                             will give the appearance that your gift is en­  Blooming Bag                                 bag using rhine­
                                             closed in a snow globe.                                                                      stones, scraps of
                                             What You’ll Need: 1 Ziploc bag (gallon­size  What You’ll Need: Plain gift bag (75 cents at a  ribbon, beads, but­
                                             works best), tissue paper, tape, scissors, ribbon.  drug or craft store); flower­shaped foam stamp  tons, pieces of fab­
                                             Optional materials: confetti, pinecones, tinsel,  (50 cents at craft stores), peach and gold acrylic  ric and whatever
                                             and strips of ribbon.                craft paints ($2 at craft stores), wide flat paint­
                                                                                  brush, foam paintbrush, velvet ribbon, holiday
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