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interest of the breed and of the members of the clubs in foreign countries and in the colonies, as
club.” well as liberally by the members of the club.
The founders of the club were Messers. Jas.
Taylor, S. Woodiwiss, L N. Woodiwiss R. J. On 22 November 1992 the British Bulldog
Harley, Captain J. L. Piddocke, J. T. Roe, H. Club held the Centenary Show at the Sports
Shaw, G. G. Tod, E. Harper, J. P. Henshall, Connection, Ryton On Dunsmore, Coventry. Les
G. Raper, and H. S. Bennett, all of whom met and Dorrie Thorpe (Tuffnuts) were the judges.
in conclave at the Oxford Inn, Manchester, At the time Les was Secretary and Treasurer for
on 22nd March, 1892, and there and then the Club and Dorrie was Vice President. George
formed the club, and launched it on the then Parker (Outdoors) was the referee. 279 dogs
stormy waters of Bulldogdom, having first, with were entered.
due libations, christened it with its expressive BIS and DCC was Ocobo Royal Heritage off
and comprehensive title, which did not at Britishpride. RBIS and BCC was Ch Kelloe
that moment deserve it has stall events since White Glove. RDCC was Hoptop Sentinel
earned. (from the Special Champion class) and RBCC
was Leydud Aquarius. BPIS was Snnedybur
The proverb says, “A rose by any other name Peggy at Ocobo.
would smell as sweet,” but strange to say it
turned out that this particular rose by any other
name would have smelt much sweeter, for its
title was the fons et origo of all the troubles
it had to contend against in the early years
of its existence, as the title caused so much
annoyance to the London section of the fancy,
who naturally extremely jealous of the formation
of the club, were able to make their influence
prevail on the Kennel Club to refuse registration
of the title until 1902, but which time the old
spirit of jealousy and opposition had died out,
and the good work the club had succeeded in
accomplishing was fully recognized.
The club has in recent years held a very
successful series of Bulldog shows, Ocobo Royal Heritage of Britishpride
commencing in 1903 at Bristol with 264 entries, BIS winner at the British Bulldog Club
then 1904, Manchester 294, 1905 Cheltenham Centenary Show 1992
305, 1906 Edinburgh 277, culminating at
Leicester in 1907 with 341. All of these shows More recently the Club celebrated their 125th
were held in conjunction with the local shows anniversary year in 2017. It was a night to
at these towns except Leicester, which the club remember prior to the November Champ Show
held on its own. with a glamorous dinner and dance and a super
auction. It was attended by Bulldog enthusiasts
An extraordinary feature common to all these from across the World who were all dressed
shows was the exceptional support obtained very elegant for the special occasion. The
in the shape of special prizes, the list of which following day the committee’s Chairman at the
at Leicester numbered no less than 313, time, Mr Chris Thomas (Kingrock), judged the
contributed by all the principal Bulldog clubs of Champ show with a super entry of 164, one
the United Kingdom, by many of the Bulldog of the highest of the year. Best In Show and