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us, but she was the girl that devoted us to the
           breed. We acquired another two or three dogs
           through the incorrect way of free ads or out the
           ‘back of’ pet shops. All these girls died young.

           So, we decided to buy a puppy and have that
           dog live a long and purposeful life with us.
           Researching better and much more suitable
           channels, the breeder asked if we wanted a
           Show or Pet dog.

           Well, Show? It must be better?
                                                                  Ch LaRoyals Best Kept Secret JW BW
           Nine years after Tina graced our lives in 1997,     I bred my first Bulldog litter over 20 years ago,
           my Mother, Jackie and I founded our ‘LaRoyal’       while in my teens, this was pretty much the
           affix so we could show our newest puppy, Albert.    fallout of owning a Champion male and people
           Albert and I took to ringcraft training like ducks   wanting to use him at stud. Offering his services
           to water, and I soon overtook my Mother as the      and then deciding to breed ourselves seemed
           ‘dog handler’.                                      the next natural step. I’ve raised numerous
                                                               puppies over the years and continue to do so.
           Within two years I had started to campaign a        Primarily to be pet companions and family dogs,
           beautiful fawn and white male, a dog beyond his     but some achieving great things such as winning
           years in breed type, Ch Balfour Action Man of       Top Bulldog and Crufts Best of Breed.
           LaRoyal JW to 7 CCs & 5 RCCs aged 17. I bred
           my first studbook winner, LaRoyal Big Brother       To date I have bred four Junior Warrant winners,
           of Bulltannia two years later, and in 2004 I        numerous CC winners including most recent
           started judging. We are a small and extremely       fawn & white bitch LaRoyal Lead by Example,
           select kennel. I like to call it a micro kennel,    siblings LaRoyal Glorification (bitch) and
           usually only campaigning one dog at a time.         LaRoyal Luther King JW ShCM (dog) and
                                                               Ch LaRoyal’s Best Kept Secret (daughter of
           It crazy think with over three decades later and    Luther King).
           I’ve not spent more than ten consecutive days
           away from the breed, so I guess they got me         In 2013 our kennel acquired its 20th CC, along
           hooked?                                             with top titles including Crufts Best of Breed, Top
                                                               Bulldog and Bulldog of the Year - Best Opposite
                                                               Sex. We have also been fortunate to have been
                                                               awarded Bulldog of the Year - Reserve Best Dog
                                                               2011, Crufts Reserve BCC 2008 & Best Female
                                                               (BCC) 2014 & 2015. Infact LaRoyal Best Kept
                                                               Secret made history being the only bitch to win
                                                               the BCC at Crufts for three consecutive years
                                                               with breed entry routinely over 250 entries.

                                                               During these decades I have served on various
                                                               committees during my twenties including The
                                                               Bulldog Club Inc, which I was also an area
                                                               correspondent for nearly five years and the
                                                               French Bulldog Club of England. I held the
                     LaRoyal Lead by Example                   position of Honorary Secretary of the Junior

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