Page 145 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 145

My deep interest in the breed was sparked, and      viewed a couple of litters, had a lovely lunch -
           I set about looking more intently at weimaraners,   and discovered Stephen’s particularly endearing
           and whom I’d like one from in the future. It was    personality. Even in 2003 he had to wait on
           through travelling to open shows with Marion’s      Patsy making him his cup of tea, and I think
           dogs that I first set eyes on a young Gunalt        the same slow service still exists today, much
           Sum of Brownbank (later a Sh Ch), owned by          to his distain!  After deliberation, and probably
           Christine and the late Charles Rayner, who was      more food, we came home with Gunalt Rustle
           in either in junior or yearling at one of the Border   with Rutilus. ‘Tia’ won very well at her early
           Counties Gundog open shows (which used to           shows and was Best Puppy In Show at the WA’s
           be squeezed into the Sands Sports Centre at         championship show in 2004 winning under Tina
           Carlisle). I thought he was awesome; full of life,   Morris and Marion Wardall. Tia had the most
           up for it, gleaming in condition, and of great      wonderful temperament and was easy to show,
           make and shape. His attitude was to die for –       you could take her anywhere and she would fit
           proper look at me, and stallion like. I remember    in quite peacefully.
           also seeing Gunalt Item at Shewalton (owned
           by Robert and the late Margaret Craig – who         During my time of showing for Marion, I had
           also later became a Sh Ch) at open shows in         encountered Anne-Marie Thomson, who had
           Scotland, and thinking she was a wonderful          owned the breed for several years and had, at
           bitch. It was decided, I would quite like a Gunalt   the time, Greyfurs Lexus, from Marion. I met
           from those people in Yorkshire!                     Anne-Marie at various open shows, thought her
                                                               dreadfully rude and obnoxious - and we have
           Through my friendship with Marion I gained          been best friends ever since! Along with Anne-
           a co-ownership of Cavalmist Cameo at                Marie, I purchased Gunalt Muse at Rutilus who
           Greyfurs, sired by the incredible stud dog Sh       later gained her JW, ShCM and Sh Ch, titles.
           Ch Gunalt Wharfe at Rockleyan, who gained           Muse had the same dam as Rustle – Sh Ch
           1CC and several reserves, as well as multiple       Gunalt Ruffles, whom I felt always produced
           Group and Best In Show wins at open shows.          lovely sound sorts with superb temperaments.
           We decided in 2002 to add to the pack, so           Muse was the epitome of a great show dog –
           contact Stephen and Patsy Hollings about any        never did she not show, and nothing was ever
           litters they might have available. We visited,      too much to ask of her.

                                                               The following year the addiction to the breed
                                                               further escalated and Gunalt Inquisitor joined
                                                               the team, owned with Marion. He was out of the
                                                               illustrious winner Sh Ch Gunalt Intuition and
                                                               by Muse’s Sire – Sh Ch Flimmoric Fanatic.
                                                               Ultimately he gained 10CC’s and a plethora of

                                                               Muse didn’t turn out to be the easiest to breed
                                                               from, which still devastates me as she was
                                                               just so awesome. Her first litter produced just
                                                               one, Rutilus I’m Rhianna, sired by our Sh Ch
                                                               Gunalt Inquisitor at Greyfurs.  We had tried
                                                               mating Muse to the aforementioned “Sum”, but
                     Sh Ch Gunalt Inquisitor at                she missed – still a regret to this day!  Rhianna
                         Greyfurs JW ShCM                      did gain a Stud Book Number but wasn’t the
                Merlin, as a junior,  winning Best in Show     best example, and being a competitive sort I
                           at an open show.                    decided she wasn’t worth showing extensively.

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