Page 82 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 82



           with Debbie Allery

           Perhaps you may have seen strange colourful         through the hoop, and is rewarded with a treat
           arches popping up in fields in your area over       being thrown ahead as they make the choice to
           the last year year or so, or heard the terms,       turn back through the hoop.  This starts with you
           hoopers, barrellers or TanGo mats spoken about      being close to the hoop and as the confidence
           and wondered what on earth was going on!            builds you start to move yourself back away
                                                               from the hoop so you start to build ‘distance’.  At
           Over the summer a friend introduced my girls        this stage we do not use any verbal cue.  Once
           and I to the wonderful world of hoopers.            the dog is running freely, a second and then
                                                               third hoop can be added, again bring yourself
           Introduced to the UK in 2017 when Canine            close to the middle hoop,and slowly move
           Hoopers UK was launched by Hayley Laches it’s       yourself back.  The distance between the hoops
           a fun fast and low impact sport that is ideal for   can then be opened up.  You can then start to
           all sized dogs and ideal for handlers with limited   add a verbal cue, like ‘Go’ which will build up to
           mobility.                                           mean keeping going to every obstacle in front
                                                               of you until given another instruction.  We then
           Hoopers starts at a foundation level, and           start moving the hoops into a semi circle and
           encourages the use of force free reward based       build up distance between yourself and between
           training, and getting the dog to make a choice      hoops.
           and build up the value for going through a hoop.
                                                               The second foundation exercise starts using
           At foundation we start with one hoop, which is      a barrel.   We again teach the ‘value’ of going
           basically a free standing  base with a colourful    from one side of the hoop to the other.  As
           hoop standing at approximately 36 inches high.      before we start close to the barrel facing it, and
           This is where the dog learns the value of going     reward the dog at either side of us, when they
                                                               make the choice to turn back to the other side of
                                                               the barrel.  We then move away leaving a gap
                                                               between us and the barrel, but wanting the dog

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