Page 90 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 90

We had been watching ‘The Good Life’ on the         Because Elaine and I were working on our
           telly and it resurrected ideas of self-sufficiency.   property we were in no great rush to get into
           In 1979 we finally after difficult negotiations     breeding. We did think of an affix and as Ryan
           moved into our dilapidated and neglected            was the centre of our lives and he was our
           bungalow called ‘Sunnyside’. Luckily, we were       foundation dog also would be the foundation
           up for the challenge. The property needed           of our line the affix should be ‘Ryanstock ‘.
           drainage and soakaways, glass in the windows,       All ‘Ryanstock’ dogs lived in the house or in
           insulation, small amount of rebuild and heating.    this case, the bungalow. It was not equipped
           The half an acre of ground was great or at          with a suitable area for the dogs and whilst it
           least it would be when it was cleared. The work     was not ideal, we took a sledgehammer to the
           involved meant that showing would be curtailed      utility and pantry which was just outside of the
           for a while but fieldwork would continue in a       kitchen but inside of the property. We laid the
           limited way. We notified people of our move and     floor and put a bar heater in for warmth, this
           within no time at all the phone call came from      property was not warm anywhere and although
           Joan Matuzewska asking would we like pick of        the dog area was still cold, we had to begin with
           bitches from a litter she had planned. We had       major renovations. Year two saw cavity and
           not considered having a bitch but after some        loft insulation but it was not for a couple more
           consideration we agreed that if the breeding        years that we could extend the kitchen and
           looked good we now had the space to manage          include a new bespoke dog room which could
           another Weimaraner. After speaking to Joan          accommodate growing dogs and as a place
           it was no contest, our favourite bitch of Joan’s    suitable for puppies when we decided to breed.
           Sh Ch Monroe Aequo by a Champion dog.               The dogs were now warm again and we were
           We began to think that breeding our own stock       becoming more content but with still more to
           would be the next logical step and to be able       do to make it homely. If we were going to keep
           to use Ryan would be perfect. Ryan had been         dogs and also consider breeding, we needed
           used once and a friend of ours with both GSP        to work out the way that we wanted to make it
           and a Weimaraner had enquired about using           work for us. After much thought and discussion
           him in the future. Not long after we obtained our   Elaine and I decided that we would only breed
           puppy from Joan, our friend’s bitch came into       when we wanted to keep a puppy or when
           season, Ryan was used and produced a fine           friends who we trusted, people who we have
           litter. We were asked if we would pop over when     vetted and were prepared to wait, came to us for
           the puppies were six weeks old and help them        a puppy. We had set our criteria of not breeding
           pick any puppies which might be suitable for        more than two litters from any of our bitches.
           show. The honest truth is that we did only go to    (In fact we did breach our rule once and that
           help out but then we saw one of the pups which      was because of the forthcoming docking ban
           just looked so nice that we asked the breeder       when we needed a bitch for work and to carry
           if we could forego any stud fee and have that       on the line, so we had the third litter from Angie).
           puppy when it was eight weeks, he agreed. This      We could not expect to be choosing between
           bitch, Miroku Balfreo of Ryanstock we called        two puppies if we were breeding and we had
           ‘Feebie’ as she was born in February and in our     to keep an open mind on whether to keep a
           simplistic way of selecting not only did she look   dog or bitch. We could not select when the
           nice but she had a lovely length in neck and        puppies were wet like Joan Mat so we decided
           back plus great rear angulation and stifles. We     that at six weeks to the day we would not allow
           knew we could not bring our next dog into the       visitors on that one day, we would set up the
           ring with stifles like Ryan. April was a little more   puppies one at a time and take photos and
           compact but very feminine with that ‘Monroes’       write a critique on each puppy. When we had
           soundness, so now we had a pair of lovely           selected we would never change our mind as
           bitches from which to produce our own stock.        the puppy grew. It may sound clinical but each
                                                               puppy we kept would stay for life, good or bad

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