Page 92 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 92

I was up there most nights and weekends. I          that the dog’s pointing remained higher in head
           did have to keep the rabbits under control, but     carriage and they slowly inched forward in time
           with no real pressure from the farmer I would       with the moving birds. It was when the dogs
           take Ryan and Ruke for walks around the farm        stopped and held a leg, sometimes just shaking
           seeking out working opportunities for them          in anticipation, more often the GSP was classic,
           both. There was little game available except        front leg raised and the Weimaraner holding up
           for the hares, some woodcock in the woods at        a rear leg, which seems characteristic of the
           winter time and the farmer suggested I walk         breed, then I could call the flush of a bird and
           the little brook after a good frost had occurred    even if a shot was fired there would still be birds
           where I would find snipe and a few duck. We         to work further along the Brook, they seemed
           should discuss hares first, I love hares so I used   less inclined to leave their feeding spots in the
           these to teach the dogs how to use the wind         fading light.
           and work a strong game scent. Hares can sit
           tight but when they bolt it is instantaneous and    At that time we were frequent visitors to
           usually causes the dog to break the handler’s       Elaine’s uncle who farmed 350 acres near
           command and give chase, I thank the hares on        Leamington Spa. He had no animals but grew
           that farm for tolerating my initial lack of ability,   mainly cereals with about 20 acres of brassica
           with perseverance I became able to sit both         crops, we always took the dogs and he always
           dogs as they flushed. With this knowledge I         invited me to walk the farm with his gun. He
           could now feel comfortable about other game I       was a countryman and had invites to large
           would meet on my journey to gain experience,        sporting estates so never walked his own
           hares have nothing to fear from me. I have          farm. There were really wild pheasants on this
           been on numerous shoots over the years and          farm and it was not only a privilege to be there
           when a hare rises to flee, I turn and raise my      but invaluable experience for the dogs to pit
           hat, never my gun. The first thing to learn when    their wits against those birds. This is where
           introducing a dog to wild game is habitat. Where    fieldcraft became so important, knowing where
           should I look for pheasant, partridge, snipe,       to introduce the dogs into the hedgerow or the
           etc ? If you just let your dog off the lead in the   brassica crop so that they could get within close
           hope that it will find game then your dog will      contact of these wily birds. We learnt together
           soon lose interest. As soon as you have good        and I can still remember as these birds flushed,
           whistle and voice control, perhaps hand signals     they would fly up and down at speed following
           also, then expose them under control to game        the contours of the hedge. Sometimes they
           scent. It took me a while but whilst working the    would surprise all of us with the dogs flushing
           aforementioned brook for snipe I found I could      and as the birds exploded from their cover,
           only use hand signals. Snipe are very jumpy         they would turn to get the wind in their wings
           in daylight hours, the slightest sound and not      and come screaming down the hedge line and
           only one goes, they all go! I have now enjoyed      as they passed me, they would flare upwards
           many ‘wild bird’ days around the country and        and be gone. This decade saw Ryan and Ruke
           witnessed the poor beater trying to open a gate     become exceptional working dogs gaining
           and 100 snipe leave the field before everyone       invites from many local shoot owners. It saw me
           is in place. That Brook was invaluable for me as    develop as a trainer and in doing so gave me
           I Iearnt to work the dogs close, watching their     the knowledge to help others and to train and
           body shape change as they came onto scent,          work all the chosen ‘Ryanstock’ working dogs
           if it was duck which were sitting tightly then the   until the present day.
           head, neck and back stiffened and gradually
           became lower until there was no movement            The 1980’s started on a bit of a low after losing
           as the flush was imminent. Snipe tended to          Ryan, we were planning our litter with Feebie
           probe into the soft banks and mud for insects       Ryan’s daughter. It did however turn into a
           and worms, moving steadily along, this meant        bit of a purple patch for us by the end of the

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