Page 96 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 96
on to win several reserve CC’s before finishing
off his title with CC’s at two consecutive shows
in 2006. Vinnie won his Junior warrant, both
he and Meesha won many classes but never
took any top honours. Whilst we still had good
dogs that needed to be shown, every weekend
now seemed not so much a pleasure but more
a necessity, a little like being a hamster on a
wheel. That enthusiasm that Elaine and I shared
when we first entered the world of showing
was not there, for me at least. I suppose the
discussion after the class, the analysis and even
the shared enjoyment or disappointment on the
journey home were all part of the enthusiasm
we had shared in the past. There were still
Sh Ch Ryanstock Genteel JW (Davey)
friends to meet and engage with but they were
her classes but turned out to be an excellent becoming fewer each year.
worker, which suited our needs. Davey who we
had mated to Angie became ill and although Esme produced two litters to Zeb and we
we nearly lost him, he came back to make had kept a dog from the first and a bitch from
a good recovery but needed more attention. the second. The dog we called (The Stig)
From Angie’s litter born 2003 we again kept two Ryanstock Lovematch, he was and still is so
puppies, Ryanstock Invincible JW (Vinnie) bright and intelligent. Ahead of his peers I was
and Ryanstock Imprint (Meesha). The ‘Team’ teaching him aspects of work that were 6 to 8
would be out there with me showing Vinnie and months earlier than I would normally. He was
Elaine showing Meesha. We managed for about swimming at 16 weeks in the pond and would
a year and then there was no alternative, one of retrieve duck before he was 12 months old.
us would have to stop showing to look after the He is a sound dog, very gentle and biddable,
dogs at home, we could no longer bring them still loves to learn and is a great companion.
for days out, they needed care in the comfort The bitch we called (Gracie) Ryanstock
of home. Elaine being a great carer offered to Magic JW, she not only has a remarkable
be the one to stay at home. Elaine could visit nose when working but also tremendous drive
shows occasionally on a social level. Angie had in the field. She went into the showing arena
a litter to a Ch dog and we kept a bitch which and enjoyed every minute, it was clear she
we called (Esme) Ryanstock Know How JW. had great potential and it was a pleasure once
We needed a worker and she certainly was that, more to take her to her shows. She won her
she had a terrific nose and real drive, she was first CC whilst still in Junior and her second CC
passionate about finding game. She was a good six months later. Her first reserve CC was not
looking bitch and showed for a while but much long after, and then completely without warning
preferred to be working. she just stopped enjoying showing. At first we
thought it was something she would grow out of.
During this decade registrations soared to 2800 In the early days I suppose a spell in retraining
in 2005. Competition became intense for a and gentle reintroduction to the showring would
while. Zeb was showing promise winning his have been the course we would have taken.
first CC in 2003, so I would fly the ‘Ryanstock’ We have never had that desperation to win, but
flag with him. He was the first of ours to win always enjoyed giving a good specimen the
the new KC show certificate of merit and was chance to prove it’s worth. Gracie settled down
competing with the best at each and every at home and was happy, we had other things
show. After taking his second CC he would go happening in our lives and in the grand scheme